Monday, January 29, 2024

How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves | Whitney Webb | The Glenn ...

Extortion Through Tithing: Turning God Into a Mob Boss!

Not one of the REAL apostles in the New Testament teaches anything 
about Tithing. Everything that comes out of their mouth is a form of

These creeps have been getting away with this nonsense for decades. 
These mega-church pastors are preaching non-Biblical, out of context,
money hungry nonsense. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

All Christian Denominations Explained in 12 minutes

This is a strong and urgent request for ALL TRUE CHRISTIANS. We have
officially entered the phase where we are entering the LAST of the LAST DAYS.  
It is time where any Christian who is 18+ has to make the decision to JOIN 
OUR CHRISTIAN CO-OP COMMUNITY, Which will have to be as off-grid 
and self-sufficient as possible. If you think that you will be raptured before the
poop hits the fan, regardless what country you currently live in, then you are 
delusional concerning your future. Especially for a country ( America ) that for 
decades has promoted abortion all over the world for decades, if you think that
America will escape God's judgement very, very soon, this is a delusional mind-set.
If you have any survival instincts and Christian discernment at all, Then you will 
know that you must relocate to an environment where you can be "under the radar"
as much as possible. Bottom Line is that you need to seriously start planning to
relocate to OUR Christian co-op community. If women are truly Christian women,
then they need to get in line with their man's survival plan, and in the meantime, the
Toxic Feminist influence in the Christian church, Must be Crushed, or YOU and your family will be crushed and destroyed. Most Christians who claim that they are real Christians, are NOT, and when the pressure and persecution starts to radically increase, They will fall away, and choose to side with secular society. JOIN US !  
 Real Christian men and women must also follow the appropriate Christian Leader on Earth. Who is this Christian leader on Earth ? Trust me, It is NOT a pastor of a "mega church". 
Join The Christian Spiritual Community of 3 Which Will Be a Global Spiritual Movement in The Future, Which could be reflected in a high number of followers, But highly unlikely. 
Do you want to join and be trained directly with The Master, or do you want to join when there are a million, or even a hundred followers ? We are preparing for Turbulent Social and Economic Times, and through the Word of God, Will be your only chance for future survival.

First, Let me say THANK YOU for being part of the 4,000+ views of this blog
in a very short period of time. The other topic that I need to discuss is that the
next step is to actually take action, and do the necessary steps to JOIN and
Relocate, Possibly take the 2 miniutes it takes to put Cash App on your phone,
and donate $5 or $5 million. 
The message is only going to go as far as the dollar can carry it, and the message 
is to not compromise your Christian life to fit in with secular society, For Christian
men to grow a backbone and be an effective Leader of his wife and children.
Christian men, if you are concerned that you do not want to appear to your girlfriend or wife, to be "controlling", then you have already been betatized ( you are a beta male,
and not a Christian leader as head of Household )
A Real Christian who is looking at current events in society and comparing it to the Bible,
Especially analyzing the book of Revelation, should have the discernment to know that NOW is the time to JOIN this Christian co-op community. Now is NOT the time to be a Soft male ( even though NO time is the time to be a soft male )


Join Our Christian Co-Op Community in Arizona
Let's Keep It Very Simple With Sticking to Biblical

This image is definitely NOT our goal. This is a "pretense of piety".
God doesn't care how fancy your church is, how pious looking your robe is,
or that you put your hands together when you pray.
Read Your Bible, and you will realize that it's THE TIME in history that you need
to make sure that YOU are going to heaven. As much as possible, stay away from the insanity of North American and European Politics. THIS Christian co-op community is the answer in these Last Days. This is the Last of the Last Days. 
The Propaganda Machine is in full-force, and it has never been pushed on the public in history, More than it is being crammed down our throats in 2024. 

The Proverbs 31 Woman is a good example of what a woman should be, But one thing that is missing on the list, is that she Knows Her Place.
  • Good Women do NOT try to compete with her husband
  • Good Women NEVER disrespect their Husband
  • Good Women are a Sail for their Husband, Not an Anchor 
  • Good Women were created to be a Helper to Her Husband   

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Accepted Definition of Narcissism is Delusional


Two of the most over-used and least understood, terms in scoiety. 

Misogynistic ( just another Propaganda tactic of the toxic feminist agenda )


  • The primary reason that these terms have been recently crammed down our throats, is that it is liberal, toxic feminist and government propaganda for the sole purpose of dividing, distraction, controlling and eventually conquering the masses, the future enslaved global population. 

Propaganda definition is; information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view...
What is currently going on in the U.S. and Europe, and has been going on for the last 50 years would have made Joseph Goebbels, the famous Nazi propagandist, envious. Just like Nazi Germany before and during world war II, It is like America is under a spell that manifests as insane actions that are meant to destroy America and intentionally collapse our ecomomy, to open the opportunity to implent a One Government World. 

Narcissistic personality disorder is mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importanceThey need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them.

This definition of Narcissism ( in red ) is delusional, If anyone has any common-sense or experience dealing with females on planet earth, would know that almost every female on the planet seeks ATTENTION , and wants people to admire them. Hello, Have you ever heard of the crazy-level of female selfies on the internet, and especially social media ?

This is a strong and urgent request for ALL TRUE CHRISTIANS. We have
officially entered the phase where we are entering the LAST of the LAST DAYS.  
It is time where any Christian who is 18+ has to make the decision to JOIN 
OUR CHRISTIAN CO-OP COMMUNITY, Which will have to be as off-grid 
and self-sufficient as possible. If you think that you will be raptured before the
poop hits the fan, regardless what country you currently live in, then you are 
delusional concerning your future. Especially for a country ( America ) that for 
decades has promoted abortion all over the world for decades, if you think that
America will escape God's judgement very, very soon, this is a delusional mind-set.
If you have any survival instincts and Christian discernment at all, Then you will 
know that you must relocate to an environment where you can be "under the radar"
as much as possible. Bottom Line is that you need to seriously start planning to
relocate to OUR Christian co-op community. If women are truly Christian women,
then they need to get in line with their man's survival plan, and in the meantime, the
Toxic Feminist influence in the Christian church, Must be Crushed, or YOU and your family will be crushed and destroyed. Most Christians who claim that they are real Christians, are NOT, and when the pressure and persecution starts to radically increase, They will fall away, and choose to side with secular society. JOIN US !  
 Real Christian men and women must also follow the appropriate Christian Leader on Earth. Who is this Christian leader on Earth ? Trust me, It is NOT a pastor of a "mega church". 
Join The Christian Spiritual Community of 3 Which Will Be a Global Spiritual Movement in The Future, Which could be reflected in a high number of followers, But highly unlikely. 
Do you want to join and be trained directly with The Master, or do you want to join when there are a million, or even a hundred followers ? We are preparing for Turbulent Social and Economic Times, and through the Word of God, Will be your only chance for future survival.

Use of Some Hashtags Does Not Necessarily Mean That We Endorse or Promote
all of these topics; eg. mormons , LDS, angel worship, spirituality, or the denominations listed...
#survival #camping #bushcraft #outdoors #nature #hiking #adventure #hunting  #ninja #ultimateninjachallenge #outdoor  #backpacking #travel #love #prepper #fishing #tactical #knives #photography #wilderness #knife #explore #camp #selfdefense #streetdefense #riotdefense #civilunrest #christian #jesus #bible #God #faith #jesuschrist #love #christianity #church #christ #bibleverse #prayer #gospel #religion #yogaistoxic #yoga #meditationasprayer #biblequotes #lord #prayer #praise #megachurch #salvation #biblestudy #christiandating #dating #Godislove 
#christianmusic #inspiration #endtimes #lastdays #toxicfeminist #toxicfeminism #angels #angelworship #femalesubmission #tradwife #wifesubmission #mormon #mormons #biblicalsubmission #christianwife #worshipmusic #holyspirit #holy #spirit #spirituality #lds 
#lutheran #catholic #baptist #calvary #calvarychapel #episcopal #protestant #nondenominational 
#non-denominational #denominations #evangelical #pentecost #pentecostal #pentecostalism

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Christian Pill Solution


Two of the most over-used and least understood, terms in scoiety. 

Misogynistic ( just another Propaganda tactic of the toxic feminist agenda )


  • The primary reason that these terms have been recently crammed down our throats, is that it is liberal, toxic feminist and government propaganda for the sole purpose of dividing, distraction, controlling and eventually conquering the masses, the future enslaved global population. 

Propaganda definition is; information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view...
What is currently going on in the U.S. and Europe, and has been going on for the last 50 years would have made Joseph Goebbels, the famous Nazi propagandist, envious. Just like Nazi Germany before and during world war II, It is like America is under a spell that manifests as insane actions that are meant to destroy America and intentionally collapse our ecomomy, to open the opportunity to implent a One Government World. 

Narcissistic personality disorder is mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importanceThey need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them.

This definition of Narcissism ( in red ) is delusional, If anyone has any common-sense or experience dealing with females on planet earth, would know that almost every female on the planet seeks ATTENTION , and wants people to admire them. Hello, Have you ever heard of the crazy-level of female selfies on the internet, and especially social media ?

This is a strong and urgent request for ALL TRUE CHRISTIANS. We have
officially entered the phase where we are entering the LAST of the LAST DAYS.  
It is time where any Christian who is 18+ has to make the decision to JOIN 
OUR CHRISTIAN CO-OP COMMUNITY, Which will have to be as off-grid 
and self-sufficient as possible. If you think that you will be raptured before the
poop hits the fan, regardless what country you currently live in, then you are 
delusional concerning your future. Especially for a country ( America ) that for 
decades has promoted abortion all over the world for decades, if you think that
America will escape God's judgement very, very soon, this is a delusional mind-set.
If you have any survival instincts and Christian discernment at all, Then you will 
know that you must relocate to an environment where you can be "under the radar"
as much as possible. Bottom Line is that you need to seriously start planning to
relocate to OUR Christian co-op community. If women are truly Christian women,
then they need to get in line with their man's survival plan, and in the meantime, the
Toxic Feminist influence in the Christian church, Must be Crushed, or YOU and your family will be crushed and destroyed. Most Christians who claim that they are real Christians, are NOT, and when the pressure and persecution starts to radically increase, They will fall away, and choose to side with secular society. JOIN US !  
 Real Christian men and women must also follow the appropriate Christian Leader on Earth. Who is this Christian leader on Earth ? Trust me, It is NOT a pastor of a "mega church". 
Join The Christian Spiritual Community of 3 Which Will Be a Global Spiritual Movement in The Future, Which could be reflected in a high number of followers, But highly unlikely. 
Do you want to join and be trained directly with The Master, or do you want to join when there are a million, or even a hundred followers ? We are preparing for Turbulent Social and Economic Times, and through the Word of God, Will be your only chance for future survival.

Use of Some Hashtags Does Not Necessarily Mean That We Endorse or Promote
all of these topics; eg. mormons , LDS, angel worship, spirituality, or the denominations listed...
#survival #camping #bushcraft #outdoors #nature #hiking #adventure #hunting  #ninja #ultimateninjachallenge #outdoor  #backpacking #travel #love #prepper #fishing #tactical #knives #photography #wilderness #knife #explore #camp #selfdefense #streetdefense #riotdefense #civilunrest #christian #jesus #bible #God #faith #jesuschrist #love #christianity #church #christ #bibleverse #prayer #gospel #religion #yogaistoxic #yoga #meditationasprayer #biblequotes #lord #prayer #praise #megachurch #salvation #biblestudy #christiandating #dating #Godislove 
#christianmusic #inspiration #endtimes #lastdays #toxicfeminist #toxicfeminism #angels #angelworship #femalesubmission #tradwife #wifesubmission #mormon #mormons #biblicalsubmission #christianwife #worshipmusic #holyspirit #holy #spirit #spirituality #lds 
#lutheran #catholic #baptist #calvary #calvarychapel #episcopal #protestant #nondenominational 
#non-denominational #denominations #evangelical #pentecost #pentecostal #pentecostalism

Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Most Dangerous Conversation Ever? ©


Two of the most over-used and least understood, terms in scoiety. 

Misogynistic ( just another Propaganda tactic of the toxic feminist agenda )


  • The primary reason that these terms have been recently crammed down our throats, is that it is liberal, toxic feminist and government propaganda for the sole purpose of dividing, distraction, controlling and eventually conquering the masses, the future enslaved global population. 

Propaganda definition is; information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view...
What is currently going on in the U.S. and Europe, and has been going on for the last 50 years would have made Joseph Goebbels, the famous Nazi propagandist, envious. Just like Nazi Germany before and during world war II, It is like America is under a spell that manifests as insane actions that are meant to destroy America and intentionally collapse our ecomomy, to open the opportunity to implent a One Government World. 

Narcissistic personality disorder is mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importanceThey need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them.

This definition of Narcissism ( in red ) is delusional, If anyone has any common-sense or experience dealing with females on planet earth, would know that almost every female on the planet seeks ATTENTION , and wants people to admire them. Hello, Have you ever heard of the crazy-level of female selfies on the internet, and especially social media ?

This is a strong and urgent request for ALL TRUE CHRISTIANS. We have
officially entered the phase where we are entering the LAST of the LAST DAYS.  
It is time where any Christian who is 18+ has to make the decision to JOIN 
OUR CHRISTIAN CO-OP COMMUNITY, Which will have to be as off-grid 
and self-sufficient as possible. If you think that you will be raptured before the
poop hits the fan, regardless what country you currently live in, then you are 
delusional concerning your future. Especially for a country ( America ) that for 
decades has promoted abortion all over the world for decades, if you think that
America will escape God's judgement very, very soon, this is a delusional mind-set.
If you have any survival instincts and Christian discernment at all, Then you will 
know that you must relocate to an environment where you can be "under the radar"
as much as possible. Bottom Line is that you need to seriously start planning to
relocate to OUR Christian co-op community. If women are truly Christian women,
then they need to get in line with their man's survival plan, and in the meantime, the
Toxic Feminist influence in the Christian church, Must be Crushed, or YOU and your family will be crushed and destroyed. Most Christians who claim that they are real Christians, are NOT, and when the pressure and persecution starts to radically increase, They will fall away, and choose to side with secular society. JOIN US !  
 Real Christian men and women must also follow the appropriate Christian Leader on Earth. Who is this Christian leader on Earth ? Trust me, It is NOT a pastor of a "mega church". 
Join The Christian Spiritual Community of 3 Which Will Be a Global Spiritual Movement in The Future, Which could be reflected in a high number of followers, But highly unlikely. 
Do you want to join and be trained directly with The Master, or do you want to join when there are a million, or even a hundred followers ? We are preparing for Turbulent Social and Economic Times, and through the Word of God, Will be your only chance for future survival.

Use of Some Hashtags Does Not Necessarily Mean That We Endorse or Promote
all of these topics; eg. mormons , LDS, angel worship, spirituality, or the denominations listed...
#survival #camping #bushcraft #outdoors #nature #hiking #adventure #hunting  #ninja #ultimateninjachallenge #outdoor  #backpacking #travel #love #prepper #fishing #tactical #knives #photography #wilderness #knife #explore #camp #selfdefense #streetdefense #riotdefense #civilunrest #christian #jesus #bible #God #faith #jesuschrist #love #christianity #church #christ #bibleverse #prayer #gospel #religion #yogaistoxic #yoga #meditationasprayer #biblequotes #lord #prayer #praise #megachurch #salvation #biblestudy #christiandating #dating #Godislove 
#christianmusic #inspiration #endtimes #lastdays #toxicfeminist #toxicfeminism #angels #angelworship #femalesubmission #tradwife #wifesubmission #mormon #mormons #biblicalsubmission #christianwife #worshipmusic #holyspirit #holy #spirit #spirituality #lds 
#lutheran #catholic #baptist #calvary #calvarychapel #episcopal #protestant #nondenominational 
#non-denominational #denominations #evangelical #pentecost #pentecostal #pentecostalism

Saturday, January 13, 2024

This is Definitely a Sign That The End of Our World is Near

 Without getting too "legalistic" , appropriate dress for Christian women will always be an issue. I believe that when a woman has a body like this, Then this is appropriate dress. No matter how you she dresses, Her body shape will get attention. 

This video is very short, but very true and profound. 

It deserves your full attention !!!


Two of the most over-used and least understood, terms in scoiety. 

Misogynistic ( just another Propaganda tactic of the toxic feminist agenda )


  • The primary reason that these terms have been recently crammed down our throats, is that it is liberal, toxic feminist and government propaganda for the sole purpose of dividing, distraction, controlling and eventually conquering the masses, the future enslaved global population. 

Propaganda definition is; information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view...
What is currently going on in the U.S. and Europe, and has been going on for the last 50 years would have made Joseph Goebbels, the famous Nazi propagandist, envious. Just like Nazi Germany before and during world war II, It is like America is under a spell that manifests as insane actions that are meant to destroy America and intentionally collapse our ecomomy, to open the opportunity to implent a One Government World. 

Narcissistic personality disorder is mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importanceThey need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them.

This definition of Narcissism ( in red ) is delusional, If anyone has any common-sense or experience dealing with females on planet earth, would know that almost every female on the planet seeks ATTENTION , and wants people to admire them. Hello, Have you ever heard of the crazy-level of female selfies on the internet, and especially social media ?

This is a strong and urgent request for ALL TRUE CHRISTIANS. We have
officially entered the phase where we are entering the LAST of the LAST DAYS.  
It is time where any Christian who is 18+ has to make the decision to JOIN 
OUR CHRISTIAN CO-OP COMMUNITY, Which will have to be as off-grid 
and self-sufficient as possible. If you think that you will be raptured before the
poop hits the fan, regardless what country you currently live in, then you are 
delusional concerning your future. Especially for a country ( America ) that for 
decades has promoted abortion all over the world for decades, if you think that
America will escape God's judgement very, very soon, this is a delusional mind-set.
If you have any survival instincts and Christian discernment at all, Then you will 
know that you must relocate to an environment where you can be "under the radar"
as much as possible. Bottom Line is that you need to seriously start planning to
relocate to OUR Christian co-op community. If women are truly Christian women,
then they need to get in line with their man's survival plan, and in the meantime, the
Toxic Feminist influence in the Christian church, Must be Crushed, or YOU and your family will be crushed and destroyed. Most Christians who claim that they are real Christians, are NOT, and when the pressure and persecution starts to radically increase, They will fall away, and choose to side with secular society. JOIN US !  
 Real Christian men and women must also follow the appropriate Christian Leader on Earth. Who is this Christian leader on Earth ? Trust me, It is NOT a pastor of a "mega church". 
Join The Christian Spiritual Community of 3 Which Will Be a Global Spiritual Movement in The Future, Which could be reflected in a high number of followers, But highly unlikely. 
Do you want to join and be trained directly with The Master, or do you want to join when there are a million, or even a hundred followers ? We are preparing for Turbulent Social and Economic Times, and through the Word of God, Will be your only chance for future survival.

Use of Some Hashtags Does Not Necessarily Mean That We Endorse or Promote
all of these topics; eg. mormons , LDS, angel worship, spirituality, or the denominations listed...
#survival #camping #bushcraft #outdoors #nature #hiking #adventure #hunting  #ninja #ultimateninjachallenge #outdoor  #backpacking #travel #love #prepper #fishing #tactical #knives #photography #wilderness #knife #explore #camp #selfdefense #streetdefense #riotdefense #civilunrest #christian #jesus #bible #God #faith #jesuschrist #love #christianity #church #christ #bibleverse #prayer #gospel #religion #yogaistoxic #yoga #meditationasprayer #biblequotes #lord #prayer #praise #megachurch #salvation #biblestudy #christiandating #dating #Godislove 
#christianmusic #inspiration #endtimes #lastdays #toxicfeminist #toxicfeminism #angels #angelworship #femalesubmission #tradwife #wifesubmission #mormon #mormons #biblicalsubmission #christianwife #worshipmusic #holyspirit #holy #spirit #spirituality #lds 
#lutheran #catholic #baptist #calvary #calvarychapel #episcopal #protestant #nondenominational 
#non-denominational #denominations #evangelical #pentecost #pentecostal #pentecostalism

Thursday, January 11, 2024

IMO, The Complete Nonsense Of The Feminist Agenda

 Up to 80 percent of divorces are initiated by women, and 90 percent of these are initiated by college educated women. Colleges are NOT pumping out godly women who want to be wives, mothers, and homemakers. They are pumping out toxic feminists who have been taught to not *need* men and that making their own money gives them freedom and independence. They don’t want to be responsible for anyone (including husbands and children), so they can be free to pursue their own pleasures. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

It is human nature that people will run to a lie and run from the truth

It is human nature that people will run to a lie and run from the 


Obviously, Mega Churches in America are not teaching Truth or 

they wouldn't be a Mega Church. 

The Catholic church isn't even worth analyzing. 

The same people running to a Mega Church , are usually the same 

people who see no need to live in a Christian co-op community. 

The money is available for a Christian co-op community, But the question is,
will the Christians who do have the funds, turn loose of the appropriate amount.
The complete 2 year budget will be just under $600K ( USD ), while at the same time,
heretics like Kenneth Copeland are spending $millions of their private jet. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

It's Not The Coming Apostasy, It's Already Here and It's Going to Get Worse


It's Not the "coming" apostasy, It has already happened !!! Now, your
focus needs to be on joining like-minded believers in an off-grid, co-op
community, if you are planning on staying in the United States. The only
reason that Christians aren't going through extreme persecution already, is because 
they are laying low and not opening their mouth about what is going on in America,
and Europe. Why ? Because, basically the Christian church has fallen in a functional sense.
Remember that the "church" is the people, not a building. 
2024 is the time when a real and Biblical Christian must preserve the very small remnant that is left of the church, and this can only be done in an off-grid co-op community family dynamic. There is an old saying "the message can only go as far as the $Dollar can carry it",
so, Unless there are investor(s) who can see that this is a necessary / mandatory investment. There are plenty of Christians that have been blessed financially. $590K (USD) is needed for development of the Arizona community. $525K for the future Texas community, and $625K for the future Community in the Philippines for a 5 year budget. Arizona and Texas
are for 2 year budgets. After the budget funding has been used in those time periods, the communities will be self-sufficient. An investor can invest in one community, or all three.
This is the reality of the future, and 2024 is not the time in history, where you want to stick your head in the sand and ignore the signs of where the world is headed. The world is headed to Global Slavery for every man, woman and child, and non-compliance of the global agenda will be (literally) fatal. 
Tags; #christian #jesus #bible #God #faith #jesuschrist #love #christianity #church #christ #bibleverse #prayer #gospel #godisgood #holyspirit #pray #worship #blessed #hope #truth #scripture #biblestudy #amen #believe #grace #jesuslovesyou #jesussaves #catholic #peace #inspiration #christianquotes #biblequotes #bibleverses #motivation #lord #praise #salvation #religion #verseoftheday #christians #life #music #godislove #jesusislord #christianliving #bhfyp #jesusisking #encouragement #holybible #christianblogger #instagood #quotes #wordofgod #christianlife #biblejournaling #devotional #art #godlovesyou #holy #christianmusic #worshipmusic  #investors #realestate #investment #investing #invest #investor #business #bitcoin #investments #entrepreneur #money #stockmarket #realtor #forex #cryptocurrency #finance #stocks #trading #wealth #crypto #financialfreedom #realestateinvesting #property #binaryoptions #realestateagent #realestateinvestor #motivation #investmentproperty #trader #success #investingtips #blockchain #usa #nifty #entrepreneurship #bitcoinmining #market #luxury #buyers #forextrader #investinyourself #trade #millionaire #sellers #stockexchange #stockmarkets #passiveincome #entrepreneurs #btc #binary #wallstreet #forexsignals #propertyinvestment #realestatelife #home #stock #startup #profit #sharemarket #offgrid #offgridliving #vanlife #solar #camping #x #nature #tinyhouse #offgridlife #tinyhome #solarpower #adventure #solarenergy #offroad #travel #renewableenergy #survival #diy #permaculture #solarpanels #greenenergy #sustainableliving #homeiswhereyouparkit #solarsystem #cleanenergy #outdoors #homesteading #gosolar #cabinlife #cabin #solarpanel #campervan #prepper #sustainability #sustainable #explore #ecofriendly #gogreen #camper #overland #tinyliving #energy #ongrid #homestead #vanlifediaries #homeonwheels #overlanding #tinyhousemovement #glamping #architecture #roadtrip #forest #outdoor #rvlife #solarcell #nomad #preparedness #shtf #offgridhomestead #prepper #survival #survivalfood #survivalist #camping #survivalgear #prepping #edc #outdoor #outdoors #survivalkit #bushcrafting #preppers #hiking #survivalskills #nature #woodsman #survivaltips #shtf #tactical #hunting #bugoutbag #everydaycarry #prepperskills #prepperlife #knife #wilderness #preppergear #preparedness #adventure #bugout #bushcraftgear #campinggear #survivalism #survivalcraft #survivalmode #edcgear #outdoorsman #bushcrafter #wildernesssurvival #survivalhacks #outdoorlife #offgrid #forest #campfire #survivaltools #bushcraftlife #bushcraftknife #prepared #handmade #knives #campingvibes #survivaltraining #x #backpacking #preppertalk #bugoutvehicle #emergencypreparedness #bushcrafttools #doomsdayprepper 

Prophecy Is That 2024 Is The Year That You Need to Relocate to Our Christian Community



It's Not the "coming" apostasy, It has already happened !!! Now, your
focus needs to be on joining like-minded believers in an off-grid, co-op
community, if you are planning on staying in the United States. The only
reason that Christians aren't going through extreme persecution already, is because 
they are laying low and not opening their mouth about what is going on in America,
and Europe. Why ? Because, basically the Christian church has fallen in a functional sense.
Remember that the "church" is the people, not a building. 
2024 is the time when a real and Biblical Christian must preserve the very small remnant that is left of the church, and this can only be done in an off-grid co-op community family dynamic. There is an old saying "the message can only go as far as the $Dollar can carry it",
so, Unless there are investor(s) who can see that this is a necessary / mandatory investment. There are plenty of Christians that have been blessed financially. $590K (USD) is needed for development of the Arizona community. $525K for the future Texas community, and $625K for the future Community in the Philippines for a 5 year budget. Arizona and Texas
are for 2 year budgets. After the budget funding has been used in those time periods, the communities will be self-sufficient. An investor can invest in one community, or all three.
This is the reality of the future, and 2024 is not the time in history, where you want to stick your head in the sand and ignore the signs of where the world is headed. The world is headed to Global Slavery for every man, woman and child, and non-compliance of the global agenda will be (literally) fatal. 
Tags; #christian #jesus #bible #God #faith #jesuschrist #love #christianity #church #christ #bibleverse #prayer #gospel #godisgood #holyspirit #pray #worship #blessed #hope #truth #scripture #biblestudy #amen #believe #grace #jesuslovesyou #jesussaves #catholic #peace #inspiration #christianquotes #biblequotes #bibleverses #motivation #lord #praise #salvation #religion #verseoftheday #christians #life #music #godislove #jesusislord #christianliving #bhfyp #jesusisking #encouragement #holybible #christianblogger #instagood #quotes #wordofgod #christianlife #biblejournaling #devotional #art #godlovesyou #holy #christianmusic #worshipmusic  #investors #realestate #investment #investing #invest #investor #business #bitcoin #investments #entrepreneur #money #stockmarket #realtor #forex #cryptocurrency #finance #stocks #trading #wealth #crypto #financialfreedom #realestateinvesting #property #binaryoptions #realestateagent #realestateinvestor #motivation #investmentproperty #trader #success #investingtips #blockchain #usa #nifty #entrepreneurship #bitcoinmining #market #luxury #buyers #forextrader #investinyourself #trade #millionaire #sellers #stockexchange #stockmarkets #passiveincome #entrepreneurs #btc #binary #wallstreet #forexsignals #propertyinvestment #realestatelife #home #stock #startup #profit #sharemarket #offgrid #offgridliving #vanlife #solar #camping #x #nature #tinyhouse #offgridlife #tinyhome #solarpower #adventure #solarenergy #offroad #travel #renewableenergy #survival #diy #permaculture #solarpanels #greenenergy #sustainableliving #homeiswhereyouparkit #solarsystem #cleanenergy #outdoors #homesteading #gosolar #cabinlife #cabin #solarpanel #campervan #prepper #sustainability #sustainable #explore #ecofriendly #gogreen #camper #overland #tinyliving #energy #ongrid #homestead #vanlifediaries #homeonwheels #overlanding #tinyhousemovement #glamping #architecture #roadtrip #forest #outdoor #rvlife #solarcell #nomad #preparedness #shtf #offgridhomestead #prepper #survival #survivalfood #survivalist #camping #survivalgear #prepping #edc #outdoor #outdoors #survivalkit #bushcrafting #preppers #hiking #survivalskills #nature #woodsman #survivaltips #shtf #tactical #hunting #bugoutbag #everydaycarry #prepperskills #prepperlife #knife #wilderness #preppergear #preparedness #adventure #bugout #bushcraftgear #campinggear #survivalism #survivalcraft #survivalmode #edcgear #outdoorsman #bushcrafter #wildernesssurvival #survivalhacks #outdoorlife #offgrid #forest #campfire #survivaltools #bushcraftlife #bushcraftknife #prepared #handmade #knives #campingvibes #survivaltraining #x #backpacking #preppertalk #bugoutvehicle #emergencypreparedness #bushcrafttools #doomsdayprepper 

Monday, January 8, 2024

These Are The Areas Where Christian Women Have Really Dropped The Ball

 Of course, a big part of the responsibility needs to be put on the Pastor and what they are teaching. ( if they have a pastor ? )

  • American Christian Woman, in general, have accepted the toxic feminist doctrine, and it is guaranteed to be very destructive to any male-female relationship. 
  • Because American Christian Women, in general,  have done a really good job at losing their femininity and rebelling against God and their husband by not being submissive and obedient.
  • In 2023-24, Most American Christian Women are angry and rebellious, and usually just flat-out annoying. 
  • The other BIG problem with American Christian Women, is that your lack of being feminine and submissive, you have pushed a lot of American men into converting to Islam. The typical American Woman, radically over-value their worth about what they are bringing to the table in a relationship. Feminism is a disease that should have no part in a church.


The near future, Organized church, will be a lot worse than this church attire. There are already so-called Christian "churches" that promote using and selling cannabis, drinking alcohol, giving the Pastor oral sex in front of the church members, practicing the occult, etc. etc. In the future there will be open orgies in church , and things that you can't even imagine. Unfortunately the current Christian church is a mirror of secular society. Is this what you want for your Christian Lifestyle, or do you want to Separate yourself from what the future holds ?

It's Not the "coming" apostasy, It has already happened !!! Now, your
focus needs to be on joining like-minded believers in an off-grid, co-op
community, if you are planning on staying in the United States. The only
reason that Christians aren't going through extreme persecution already, is because 
they are laying low and not opening their mouth about what is going on in America,
and Europe. Why ? Because, basically the Christian church has fallen in a functional sense.
Remember that the "church" is the people, not a building. 
2024 is the time when a real and Biblical Christian must preserve the very small remnant that is left of the church, and this can only be done in an off-grid co-op community family dynamic. There is an old saying "the message can only go as far as the $Dollar can carry it",
so, Unless there are investor(s) who can see that this is a necessary / mandatory investment. There are plenty of Christians that have been blessed financially. $590K (USD) is needed for development of the Arizona community. $525K for the future Texas community, and $625K for the future Community in the Philippines for a 5 year budget. Arizona and Texas
are for 2 year budgets. After the budget funding has been used in those time periods, the communities will be self-sufficient. An investor can invest in one community, or all three.
This is the reality of the future, and 2024 is not the time in history, where you want to stick your head in the sand and ignore the signs of where the world is headed. The world is headed to Global Slavery for every man, woman and child, and non-compliance of the global agenda will be (literally) fatal. 
Tags; #christian #jesus #bible #God #faith #jesuschrist #love #christianity #church #christ #bibleverse #prayer #gospel #godisgood #holyspirit #pray #worship #blessed #hope #truth #scripture #biblestudy #amen #believe #grace #jesuslovesyou #jesussaves #catholic #peace #inspiration #christianquotes #biblequotes #bibleverses #motivation #lord #praise #salvation #religion #verseoftheday #christians #life #music #godislove #jesusislord #christianliving #bhfyp #jesusisking #encouragement #holybible #christianblogger #instagood #quotes #wordofgod #christianlife #biblejournaling #devotional #art #godlovesyou #holy #christianmusic #worshipmusic  #investors #realestate #investment #investing #invest #investor #business #bitcoin #investments #entrepreneur #money #stockmarket #realtor #forex #cryptocurrency #finance #stocks #trading #wealth #crypto #financialfreedom #realestateinvesting #property #binaryoptions #realestateagent #realestateinvestor #motivation #investmentproperty #trader #success #investingtips #blockchain #usa #nifty #entrepreneurship #bitcoinmining #market #luxury #buyers #forextrader #investinyourself #trade #millionaire #sellers #stockexchange #stockmarkets #passiveincome #entrepreneurs #btc #binary #wallstreet #forexsignals #propertyinvestment #realestatelife #home #stock #startup #profit #sharemarket #offgrid #offgridliving #vanlife #solar #camping #x #nature #tinyhouse #offgridlife #tinyhome #solarpower #adventure #solarenergy #offroad #travel #renewableenergy #survival #diy #permaculture #solarpanels #greenenergy #sustainableliving #homeiswhereyouparkit #solarsystem #cleanenergy #outdoors #homesteading #gosolar #cabinlife #cabin #solarpanel #campervan #prepper #sustainability #sustainable #explore #ecofriendly #gogreen #camper #overland #tinyliving #energy #ongrid #homestead #vanlifediaries #homeonwheels #overlanding #tinyhousemovement #glamping #architecture #roadtrip #forest #outdoor #rvlife #solarcell #nomad #preparedness #shtf #offgridhomestead #prepper #survival #survivalfood #survivalist #camping #survivalgear #prepping #edc #outdoor #outdoors #survivalkit #bushcrafting #preppers #hiking #survivalskills #nature #woodsman #survivaltips #shtf #tactical #hunting #bugoutbag #everydaycarry #prepperskills #prepperlife #knife #wilderness #preppergear #preparedness #adventure #bugout #bushcraftgear #campinggear #survivalism #survivalcraft #survivalmode #edcgear #outdoorsman #bushcrafter #wildernesssurvival #survivalhacks #outdoorlife #offgrid #forest #campfire #survivaltools #bushcraftlife #bushcraftknife #prepared #handmade #knives #campingvibes #survivaltraining #x #backpacking #preppertalk #bugoutvehicle #emergencypreparedness #bushcrafttools #doomsdayprepper 

Kathryn Krick's Spiritual Father is a HERETIC and a LIAR!!

Tags;  In my opinion, I would never step foot in any of the following so-called ministries; Craig Groeschel, Tim Timberlake, Mark Driscoll, ...