Showing posts with label #biblequotes #lord #praise #salvation #religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #biblequotes #lord #praise #salvation #religion. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Manipulation Tactics of "Apostle" Kathryn Krick, False Teacher

Kathryn Krick is definitely a false teacher, she is NOT an Apostle. According to the Bible, Which is God's word, Someone like Kathryn Krick ( which is any female on the planet ), cannot be a pastor, NO woman ( according to the Bible ), can be the Head Pastor and should NEVER be in authority over a man. Some people promote a watered-down version, and they say that it is OK for a woman to teach other women. The Bible does NOT say that.
This is what the Bible says...

***1 Timothy 2:11-12*** NKJV 

11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 

The new standard for being a QUALIFIED Pastor, According to Pastor Don, is NOT
going to a Bible College and getting ordained through a Denomination, The qualification
boils down to; "Do you teach and live the Bible?" ...and I don't mean "saying" that you teach and live the Bible, But in reality, That's not what the vast majority of pastors live or teach. We are already in the Last of the Last Days, and the Bible does not say anything about Revival , But it does say that in the Last Days there will be a great falling away of Christians ( Christians are not the building, It's the people )...But what do the mega-church pastors keep pushing...They push "Revival" ...Not to burst your bubble, But there is not going to be this huge revival that they promote. The world ( and most people in church ) is going to get more evil as time goes on. Most of the "popular" ministries in America are rotton to the core, Just like the U.S. Government is rotten to the core. 
During the Covid Scamdemic, the true colors surfaced in the Christian church. When the government told the churches to close down, They fully complied, No push back whatsoever, and no so-called prophet stepped forward before the problem started. So-called prophets like Cindy Jacobs are a joke. This is what Morning Star Ministries said about her; "Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophet who travels the world ministering not only to crowds of people, but also to heads of nations" ...who are these people saying that she is a "respected" prohpet ? All I hear about her is that she is a joke...not to mention how annoying she is when she talks, and the Biblical fact that she should not be a pastor in the first place. Why is this so difficult to comprehend, Women are NOT authorized to be a Pastor in any way, shape or form.
Enoch Adeboye - $39 million Nigerian Pastor

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome - $50 million

The hotspots in the world for heresy and false teacher, teaching complete nonsense are; Africa, USA, Australia, European Union. 
In 2024 Christianity has become very embarrassing. We should be a good example to secular society, But in reality, Christians are considered a joke.  

In my opinion, I would never step foot in any of the following so-called ministries;

Craig Groeschel, Tim Timberlake, Mark Driscoll, Jabin Chavez , John Lindell, Rich Wilkerson, Chris Hodges, Jentezen Franklin, Robert Madu, ( a lot of these people were given a platform by "TBN" ( Trinity Broadcast Network ), Michael Todd, Judah Smith, Robert Morris ( don't know why Robert Morris is not in jail for molesting a 12 year old    girl ) , Levi Lusko, Scott Thomas, David Hughes in Florida, Andy Stanley, Greg and Lynn McDonald, ( and of course, so many of these Pastors have to go against the Biblical commandment that women are NOT to be pastors in any way, shape or form...This is just one of the many example of toxic feminism invading the Christian church, Kathryn Krick, Brian Nietzel, David Crank, ( Ted Haggard...why were so many churches under this persons so-called leadership...unbelieveable ), Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Robert Tilton or any spin-offs, Kenneth Copeland, T.D. Jakes, Sarah Jakes, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Creflo Dollar, Andy Stanley, Steven Furtick, Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer, Geor Davie ( Africa )..."Churches"; Episcopol church, United Methodist church, Presbyterian USA, ELCA ( Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, United Church of Christ..and there are more. 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Coming Soon | | Not Asking For Money, But We Still Need Assistance

 This is the new logo and the new blog

We are NOT asking for money ( which is a tenet of our group ), But we still need

assistance, Whether it is financial, products, or volunteer services. Like the saying goes,

"the message can only go as far as the $Dollar can carry it" ...But there are plenty of ways 

to help, Other than cash. This is similar to no one listening to Noah when he was building 

the Ark. The vast majority of the world population has no idea what is right around the 

corner in world history, and it will be beyond horrific. I hope that civil war does not come 

to the United States, But it is a very strong possibility. 

  • Obviously the United States ( and the rest of the world ) is getting very unstable, on many levels...of course, in the last of the last days, violence will be on a global level, Of course the primary target for the "global elite" will be to completely break down the United States, so that it can merge with the one global government.

When the poop hits the fan , and God closes the door of the Ark ( which means that we will need to "close the door" , which will be to limit membership to our off-grid co-op community )...Obviously our co-op community cannot take in the world population, No more than the Ark could take in the world population. 
If you are meant to be living with us, Then it will happen because you have taken action to relocate here.

Friday, May 24, 2024

The Pope MESSED UP Big Time When He Said This!

Why would anyone exalt the Pope or Mary ?

We welcome Mormons / LDS ...Generally Speaking, Mormons are great people,
But the doctrine is false. 

The "Coexist" agenda is complete nonsense. Saneiv is a teacher of His Version ( through vision and revelation ) of spirituality. Christianity does not need to be "improved upon", Biblical Christianity ( Biblical, Contrary to the nonsense that is being preached in "mega-churches" and Christian TV )
What is Saneiv Christianity-Spirituality ? Many terms that is used in mainstream spirituality have been ripped off by the "New Age" community, The Occult, etc. Two perfect examples is Meditation and Enlightenment. You cannot be Enlightened, Unless you know and embrace The Light, and the Light is Jesus Christ and Father God. Unless they are a True Biblical Christian, No one in India is enlightened, Never have been, Never will be...Like I said, UNLESS they are a Biblical Christian. It's not just India, It is every country in the world.
Here are some tenets of the Christian faith:
  • The Trinity: God exists in three "persons": Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit
  • Jesus Christ: Jesus was born to a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died, was resurrected, and will return to earth in glory
  • The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit assists Christians to live Godly lives and helps the Church carry out Christ's mission. Churches in 2024 have definitely dropped the ball in this area. Christ's mission is NOT social issues that have been created by secular governments.
  • The Bible: The Bible is the only authoritative Word of God
  • Salvation: Salvation is possible through the Atonement of Christ. Accepting what Jesus Christ did for us on the Cross, NOT how "good" we are, Because we are Not good, if we examined our true motivation. You can't work your way to Heaven. 
  • Obeying the Gospel's laws and ordinances should be your focus AFTER you are saved, not the requirement for being saved. Once again, The example is the Thief  on the Cross. 
  • Baptism: Baptism symbolizes death and resurrection, and is a public declaration of following Christ ( Baptism is NOT necessary for Salvation, Perfect example of the Thief on the Cross )
  • These are the five fundamentals of the Christian faith: 
  • 1) Scripture alone
  • 2) Faith alone 
  • 3) Grace alone 
  • 4) Glory to God alone ( You should definitely have a Teacher / Instructor / Mentor / Pastor , But glory should not be a part of the respect that you show your Pastor )
There are other important topics in Christianity that need to be applied and embraced
in YOUR Life, But are not necessary for salvation ( salvation = being saved and going 
Heaven, and Not Hell )
Curious what other areas are part of the True Biblical Lifestyle ? 
Be pre-warned that many of these topics are directed towards women;
1) God is concerned with Christians following the roles that God ordained. You can
"identify" with whatever you want, But it doesn't make it so. According to God, 
common-sense, and anatomy of the human body, There are TWO genders. Why
we would have to even discuss this topic is ludicrous. 
2) According to God ( and not the indoctrinated kid down the street ), Cross Dressing
is an abomination to Him ( God )
3) Saneiv preaches the Bible...Therefore; A) There is no such thing as a Woman being 
allowed to have authority over a man, in any way, shape or form...a woman is NOT allowed to be the head pastor, or to teach men in church. 
B) Along with the abomination of being a "cross-dresser" ( a man wearing womens clothes, or
a woman wearing male clothes ), 
C) a woman is not to have the appearance of a manand vice-versa...So it is a commandment for women to not cut their hair. Not cutting their 
hair is a simple principle. It doesn't mean that a woman should never cut their hair. 
Common-sense will tell you that a woman should get her hair trimmed, now and then. Women
keeping their hair long is for spiritual reasons, But it is also to preserve and promote 
her femininity, and not the toxic feminist "a woman as a poor excuse for a man" image. Women
in the midwest ( USA ) are notorious for getting very short haircuts...this PC trend /style 
is, IMO, Not attractive whatsoever.  The Bible Belt in America, Obviously do NOT include the midwest, Most of which are fully
indoctrinated far left liberals. 

Tenents of the Christian faith is easy to do a Copy & Paste of the Statement of Faith,
which most churches are very close to each other in their faith statement. The BIG
problem is, Application of these tenents in the real world. It's very common for a Christian
church to say one thing and do another. 
Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. ( if churches really believed this, we could stop right here...But unfortunately, Most churches, Especially money-hungry "Mega Churches" focus on preaching nonsense, and NOT the Bible. 

We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.

We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration of the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life.

We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.

We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. ( added note; Because it is Biblical that there should be "Unity of Believers in Our Lord Jesus Christ" , We promote living in Christian Community. Don't get weird about the 

terminology of Christian Community...It's not a "compound"...You are free to come and go as you

please. Staying connected to family and friends is

encouraged, as long as friends are not a negative


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Woke and "Critical Race Theory" is a Very Toxic Joke. How About Practicing Color Blindness Instead

Everytime you see anything in the "mainstream media" brainwashing platform "news"
and race is mentioned, it is to stir the pot so that they ( the media , and government ) can
create and promote violence...their goal for "restructuring" the United States, is based on first, the outright destruction of America, THEN rebuild it ( and the world ) in the global communist template. According to their twisted point-of-view, a soverign America cannot 
be allowed to exist, Because the 1 Global Government / Global Slavery of every man, woman , and child cannot be implemented. 
According to them this motto is evil; "in modern democracies the people's will is in theory sovereign" ...."we the people" must go, and any global citizen that do NOT CONFORM to the future plans of the global elite, must also go. Which translated, means cease to exist or at the very least, imprisoned for life. 

Polyandry is multiple men , and 1 woman. Outlawed in the Bible 100%
with no exceptions. Any Christian woman who seeks this type of a relationship
is a whore, and the relationship is doomed. Case closed, End of the Debate.

Friday, April 12, 2024

It Appears To Be That Most Christians Are Too Busy Chasing Lies ( Mega Churches ) To Worry About Finding Truth

 It Appears To Be That Most Christians Are Too Busy Chasing Lies ( Mega Churches ) To Worry About Finding Truth. It's a Real Test of Patience.

It should be obvious that God promotes submission. 
Do you really think that you can approach God with pride and big ego ?

There Are NO Apostles For Today, And Even If There Were, They Would NOT be a Woman


The Apostle Paul shows us that women having long hair and men having short hair is not just a value in some cultures.  When he says “Does not even nature itself teach you...” he is referring to our original masculine and feminine human natures that he designed us with, before sin corrupted them. He is saying that he has built into us to know that men have short hair and women have long hair. This is why men are often much more attracted to women with long hair, that short hair.

FYI..There are NO Apostles for today, and "if there were", An Apostle would definitely NOT be a woman, eg. Kathryn Krick. 

Christian Men, If your girlfriend shows any sign of Feminism , Dump them immediately, Don't let that evil seed grow, or you will end up with a Feminist Wife, Which is a guaranteed Train Wreck...Wake Up Guys !!!

The Master's Female Relationship Value System

  • Be Pretty
  • Be Submissive
  • Be Sexually Active For Him and Only Him
  • Be Anti-Feminist
  • Be Obedient
  • Be Virtuous
  • Be Thankful For Your Masculine Christian Man

Monday, April 1, 2024

Visual Bible: The Book of John...Master-Pastor Recommends This Video

Donate Room(s) In Your Home.
***The rooms can be in any area ( city/ state ), Not restricted to Gilbert, Arizona. I own my own place ( even though very small ), between Apache Junction and East Mesa, Arizona.
Master Pastor is looking for one person 
( prefer senior citizen, But not mandatory ) Also prefer that it would be a 100% donation basis, But if you need financial compensation, You will receive 25% of net profits from training fees, roommate fees, royalties from Master's books, Youtube channel, etc. You will also be credited as a Charter Member, which includes free teachings. 
Master-Pastor is a Contrarian, So do not expect some "cookie cutter Guru" approach to Christianity. The teachings of Master-Pastor are diametrically opposed to every aspect of Christianity that is being taught in the world today. Which translated, Means that the teachings are Biblical, Compared to the majority of the non-Biblical nonsense that is being taught in 99% of the "Christian" churches today. 
***What would the rooms be used for ? I will be keeping my own residence for at least the first 6 months ( unless the opportunity that you would be providing is out of my area ) If it is one bedroom, then it would be used for a quiet room for writing, Vlogging, etc....If you have 2 bedrooms, then one bedroom would be used for 2 roommates / students, and the other bedroom will be used as a private temple / prayer room ( and remember, as a contrarian Master-Pastor, Meditation is NOT what you think it is...The "buzz word" meditation is an alternative term for prayer, as long as prayer is focused on embracing Father God through Jesus Christ )

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Almost Every Woman Wants Their Choice of a Dominant Man to Break Them, Then They Will be at Peace


Whether you are a Christian woman, or a secular woman, You have the same basic human DNA and human nature...desire to have sex, raise children, etc. Another topic in female DNA is; Almost Every Woman Wants Their Choice of a Dominant Man to Break Them, Then They Will be at Peace...

Knowing this does not mean that you are compromising your Christianity. Put Bible Times in historical context, When men had backbones, and women were not trying to be a poor excuse for a man. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

Christians Should Be Preparing For The Future in This Off-Grid Community


The bottom line in 2024, Is that we need to be living in Christian Community. We need to be off-grid as much as possible, and safety is going to be a very important topic in the near future. Yes, our ultimate protector is God...But it is also our responsibility to prepare as much as possible. 

There are plenty of Bible verses on Preparing

Proverbs 6:6-9 ERV

You lazy people, you should watch what the ants do and learn from them. Ants have no ruler, no boss, and no leader. But in the summer, ants gather all of their food and save it. So when winter comes, there is plenty to eat.
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#divestmentcoach #divest #farming #urbanfarming #urbanfarmer #femalefarmer #femalefarmerproject #urbangarden #home #queerfarmers #growfood #growfoodnotlawns #optionsovereverything #growfoodnotgrass #foodnotlawns  #sustainableagriculture #resilientagriculture #colivingspace #urbanfarm #accommodation #divestedblackwoman #london #farmlife #nomatterwhat #youfirst #femaleprogression #womenwhogetit #girlsupportinggirls #swirlgirl #evolveordie #divestedblackgirls #divestedswirlgirl #stepintoit #mindshift #perspective #accountabilitymatters #yourpath #choosewhatsbest #u #noweapon #yourjourney #newtribeseeker #newtribebuilder #superscape #environmental #environment #sustainability #ecofriendly #environmentallyfriendly #climatechange #sustainable #nature #environmentalist #green #zerowaste #recycle #sustainableliving #eco #environmentalism #savetheplanet #gogreen #construction #earth #plasticfree #environmentalscience #environmentaleducation #ecology #conservation #recycling #environmentaljustice #environmentalawareness #greennewdeal #globalwarming #climate #art #environmentalart #environmentalprotection #pollution #climatecrisis #cannabis #climateaction #imwithjill #assange #revolution #vegan #climatechangeisreal #engineering #savetheearth #marijuana #water #resist #greenparty #greens #progressive #makeamericagreenagain #votegreen #greenenter #progressives #greaterevil #greatergood #ajamubaraka #demexit #environmentfriendly #safety #love #instagood #like #follow #instagram #photography #photooftheday #beautiful #fashion #bhfyp #happy #picoftheday #art #life #cute #smile #likeforlikes #instadaily #nature #me #style #followme #likes #beauty #instalike #followforfollowback #photo #music #travel #model #lifecoach #motivation #lifecoaching #coaching #love #coach #mindset #inspiration #selflove #life #selfcare #success #lifestyle #mentalhealth #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #entrepreneur #goals #happiness #loveyourself #meditation #healing #motivationalquotes #lifequotes #fitness #positivevibes #motivationalspeaker #businesscoach #personalgrowth #business #wellness #quotes #positivity #leadership #spirituality #inspirationalquotes #growth #lifelessons #mentor #transformation #growthmindset #mindsetcoach #empowerment #instagood #lifecoachforwomen #happy #health #healthcoach #gratitude #selfdevelopment #healthylifestyle #spiritualawakening #selfhelp #lifecoachingtips #lawofattraction #inspire #believe #anxiety #confidence #relationships #christian #jesus #bible #god #faith #jesuschrist #love #christianity #church #christ #bibleverse #prayer #gospel #godisgood #holyspirit #pray #worship #blessed #hope #truth #scripture #biblestudy #amen #believe #grace #jesuslovesyou #jesussaves #catholic #peace #inspiration #christianquotes #biblequotes #bibleverses #motivation #lord #praise #salvation #religion #verseoftheday #christians #life #music #godislove #jesusislord #christianliving #bhfyp #jesusisking #encouragement #holybible #christianblogger #instagood #quotes #wordofgod #christianlife #biblejournaling #devotional #art #godlovesyou #holy #christianmusic #relationships #love #relationshipgoals #relationship #dating #marriage #couples #relationshipquotes #couplegoals #life #lovequotes #quotes #relationshipadvice #selflove #couple #family #romance #mentalhealth #goals #follow #instagood #happiness #selfcare #instagram #happy #bhfyp #healing #like #motivation #boyfriend #girlfriend #wife #tradwife #traditionalwife #1950lifestyle #gothgirl #goth #gothic #alternativegirl #alternative #gothaesthetic #gothgoth #altgirl #grunge #gothicstyle #emo #gothicgirl #gothfashion #emogirl #alternativefashion #dark #gothmakeup #gothstyle #metalhead #aesthetic #makeup #alt #egirl #metalgirl #punk #metal #gothicfashion #halloween #gothmodel #gothgirls #girlswithtattoos #grungegirl #altmodel #model #alternativestyle #vampire #piercings #alternativemodel #darkaesthetic #altfashion #girlswithpiercings #black #art #grungeaesthetic #tattoos #cute #witchesofinstagram #rock #gothboy #tattoo #nugoth #selfie #fashion #photography #gothsofinstagram #scenegirl #instagoth #horror #punkgirl #submissivefemale #bdsmcommunity #bdsm #bdsmsubmissive #submissivelife #submissivewoman #bdsmsub #feminineenergy #bdsmroleplay #submissiveslut #dom #bdsmdom #domination #nsfwtextposts #submissivegirls #feminine #femininity #domandsubkink #domandsubmissive #kink #ddlgprincess #kinkygirls #ddlgbabygirl #submissions #nsfwsubmissive #nsfwsub #nsfwbdsm #ddlg #submissive #submissivelittle #littlespace #ddlgnsfwpost #kinklife #nsfwdom #ddlgsubmissive #bdsmlifesytle #collar #dsdynamic #domandsub #bdsmpetplay #hmuonsnapchat #humilation #sexsy #masochist #ageplay #abdlgirls #caregiverlittle #nsfwlittle #abdl #legallittle #snapchatmegirl #ddlgcomunity #snapchat #submissivewomen #submissivekitten #dominantsubmissive #submissivelifestyle #waitingfordaddy #newage #spirituality #love #spiritual #meditation #metaphysical #music #crystals #healing #spiritualawakening #art  #crystalhealing #magick #lawofattraction #reiki #yoga #lightworker #consciousness #newagemusic #energyhealing  #awakening  #psychic #energy #peace  #astrology
#metaphysics #alternativefamily #ambient  #esoteric #chakra #artist  #ufo #skincare #cosmos #horoscope #theuniverse #world #zodiacsigns #magic #nature #instagood #mindfulness #zodiac #healingcrystals #astronomy #goddess #life #newmusic #thirdeye #god #hiphop #omens #knowthezodiac #thestars #thesigns
#enlightenedmaster #solusdominus #prophet #prayer #meditation #apostle #christianfortunetell #fortuneteller #tellyourfuture #infinitedimensions #timetravel #utopia #spiritualtravel #speedofthought #psychicselfdefense #spiritualpower #spiritualselfdefense #martialarts #mma #karate #fitness #kickboxing #bjj #boxing #muaythai #jiujitsu #training #selfdefense #kungfu #taekwondo #ufc #fight #motivation #fighter #judo #grappling #sport #brazilianjiujitsu #workout #gym #wrestling #martialartist #mixedmartialarts #blackbelt #wingchun #wushu #brucelee
#streetdefense #practicalselfdefense #knifedefense #donpentecost #womenselfdefense #womensselfdefense #femalebully #alphafemale #betafemale #womenknifedefense #nostress  #happiness #love #happy #life #motivation #instagood #selflove #inspiration #positivevibes #quotes #instagram #lifestyle #believe #loveyourself #smile #success #mindset #like #positivity #goals #bhfyp #motivationalquotes #follow #yourself #photography #photooftheday #beautiful #inspirationalquotes #quoteoftheday #peace#nature #fitness #instadaily #quote #selfcare #goodvibes #family #art #beauty #picoftheday #inspire #motivational #entrepreneur #health #friends #travel #lovequotes #joy #fashion #summer #mindfulness #mentalhealth #me #quotestoliveby #fun #meditation #poetry #lifequotes #cute #thoughts

Kathryn Krick's Spiritual Father is a HERETIC and a LIAR!!

Tags;  In my opinion, I would never step foot in any of the following so-called ministries; Craig Groeschel, Tim Timberlake, Mark Driscoll, ...