Showing posts with label cdd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cdd. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Christians, Sorry To Break It To You, But Read This About Scammer Pastors and Coming Revival

 Sorry, But this large scale revival that so many scammer pastors talk about, is NOT coming to the United States and Europe. Or the pastors who claim that God told them that they need to claim the United States and that they will change this and that area, it will become more moral, millions of people will be born-again, etc...Sorry, NOT going to happen ! The USA will become increasingly more immoral...right when you think it couldn't get worse, it will get much worse. No matter what has happened in history; violence, sexually immoral, theives, drug and alcohol addiction...the Bible says that it will soon be much worse in the obviously revival is not going to break out...modern-day Revivals in the last 75 years, is nothing more than an attempt to promote their church, gain more members, and make more money. 

The co-exist concept is complete nonsense

Below, Is the Truth, The True Light and Love.
John 3:16

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Christian Domestic Discipline | Start By Reading Your Bible


Let's be honest, This describes a LOT of  people who claim to be a Christians

Domestic Discipline (or Christian Domestic Discipline as it is referred to in Christian circles) is a phrase that over the last century has become synonymous with the ancient practice of wife spanking. Domestic Discipline of course is more than the practice of wife spanking and some men discipline their wives in non-physical ways.

In this podcast, I show from the Bible that chastening (discipline) is prescribed by God not only for children, but also for adults. And there is no special carveout for women to be exempt from discipline whether it be physical or non-physical discipline. There of course limits which the Bible places on physical discipline and I discuss those limits in this podcast as well.

This blog is not directed towards secular society. When I say that the Christian family needs to be put back in order, It is obviously meant for Christian families, Christian relationships, Christian dating.

Ladies, you might not like this, But this is the truth. A high-percentage of Modern-day women do not want to take responsibility for their actions, and this includes Christian women.

Kathryn Krick's Spiritual Father is a HERETIC and a LIAR!!

Tags;  In my opinion, I would never step foot in any of the following so-called ministries; Craig Groeschel, Tim Timberlake, Mark Driscoll, ...