Showing posts with label religion #prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religion #prayer. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Christian Men Need to Put a Stop to Feminism Within Their Church and Their "Male Feminist" Pastor

 Make Contact;

This is a statement, Not sure if it was from a toxic feminist, or just your average beta, feminized, no backbone, "yes dear" type male. 

A domestic discipline (DD) marriage is one in which one partner—usually the husband—is given authority over the other and has the means to back up that authority with corporal punishment, including spanking. So-called “Christian domestic discipline” occurs in a marriage when one or both partners use biblical support to rationalize an unscriptural and un-Christian lifestyle.

Reaction to this paragraph; From my point of view, if the author of this material, But if you are a Christian, God's Word ( The Bible ), gives the husband authority over the wife, Period ! No debate. The last sentence is misinformation. There is no need to "rationalize" , and to say that a Husband does not have 100% complete authority over his wife, and to say it is  unscriptural or "un-Christian Lifestyle" is ludicrous. This type of propaganda will almost always come from toxic feminists, and/or beta, feminized males..who bow the knee to females, and want to be ruled by a female. Female-led relationships are a train wreck waiting to happen. 

Before sin entered humankind in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were naked and

unashamed ...So what changed, and why is it a sin to be in a nudist environment 

Donate Room(s) In Your Home.
***The rooms can be in any area ( city/ state ), Not restricted to Gilbert, Arizona. I own my own place ( even though very small ), between Apache Junction and East Mesa, Arizona.
Master Pastor is looking for one person 
( prefer senior citizen, But not mandatory ) Also prefer that it would be a 100% donation basis, But if you need financial compensation, You will receive 25% of net profits from training fees, roommate fees, royalties from Master's books, Youtube channel, etc. You will also be credited as a Charter Member, which includes free teachings. 
Master-Pastor is a Contrarian, So do not expect some "cookie cutter Guru" approach to Christianity. The teachings of Master-Pastor are diametrically opposed to every aspect of Christianity that is being taught in the world today. Which translated, Means that the teachings are Biblical, Compared to the majority of the non-Biblical nonsense that is being taught in 99% of the "Christian" churches today. 
***What would the rooms be used for ? I will be keeping my own residence for at least the first 6 months ( unless the opportunity that you would be providing is out of my area ) If it is one bedroom, then it would be used for a quiet room for writing, Vlogging, etc....If you have 2 bedrooms, then one bedroom would be used for 2 roommates / students, and the other bedroom will be used as a private temple / prayer room ( and remember, as a contrarian Master-Pastor, Meditation is NOT what you think it is...The "buzz word" meditation is an alternative term for prayer, as long as prayer is focused on embracing Father God through Jesus Christ )
Master Pastor, Has No Pretense of Piety

Kathryn Krick's Spiritual Father is a HERETIC and a LIAR!!

Tags;  In my opinion, I would never step foot in any of the following so-called ministries; Craig Groeschel, Tim Timberlake, Mark Driscoll, ...