Showing posts with label bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bible. Show all posts

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Is There ANYONE Out There In Cyber-Christianity That Will Actually Step Out in Faith ? ...Let me know if you are called to follow

true Biblical Christianity


The coming Apostasy , isn't "coming" is already here !
You have probably heard this a million times before, But
we are living in the Last of the Last Days !

Beautiful, Feminine hair, But this length is not necessary
for women in the church, and there is no specific rule on the length.
This is a good length

Master is Teacher 

Are You Interested in Christian Domestic Discipline, Service-Orientated Submission and Domestic Servitude

This is a promotion for Christian Domestic Discipline and Domestic Discipline in general,
service-orientated submission , and Domestic Servitude.
Let me know if you are called to follow true Biblical Christianity
The coming Apostasy , isn't "coming" it's already here !
You have probably heard this a million times before, But
we are living in the Last of the Last Days !
There is no specific rule on the length of hair for women.
Master is Teacher / Mentor / Disciplinarian / Alpha Leader / Head of Household
You are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and not your "good works" , But
AFTER you are saved, THEN a woman is edified by her submission and obedience
to her Lord, and her Master on Earth.
Biblical example, 1 Peter 3:6-8 ; verse 6; Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

7 Likewise, you husbands, live with them according to knowledge, giving honor to the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
Master's commentary; "giving honor to your wife" obviously does not mean that a man should ever be lead by a woman, or ever be under the authority of a woman. A woman should never have authority over a man on any subject. A Christian man has the right to use corporal punishment on his wife, or even beat his wife, But it's not a good practice, considering that God will NOT answer the prayers of a man, If he beats his wife or treats his wife really bad without reason.

Ps. We do NOT honor the marriage ceremony since 2015. this was necessary once the government got involved in such a personal thing as marriage.


Friday, December 15, 2023

Sister Rosetta Tharpe - Up Above My Head

Bring back REAL Christian music, and eliminate the 
non-creative, nonsense that is being passed off as
"Christian" worship music, when in reality, most of
it is only meant to put you in a hypnotic state, to suck
money out of you. 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Over 50% of all white, liberal women under 30 have diagnosed mental health issues. FACT


 Over 50% of all white, liberal women under 30 have diagnosed mental health issues. FACT, and this INCLUDES White Christian Women. Every topic of the secular world has invaded most Christian churches, Including white women with mental health issues.

   No Matter How Hot She Is, Someone Somewhere is Sick of Her Shit  | But I Would Giver Her a Chance . Is this anti-Christian and/or sin to admire a beautiful and talented women ? The answer is NO.

Monday, November 20, 2023

The Trap of Feminism | Secular Expert With Great Information |

There are at least an equal number of "radical feminists" in Christian churches in 
2023 as there are in secular society. Feminists have invaded the Christian church, and equally as sad is the number of soft, weak, feminized males in the Christian church.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Today, Most Women Have an Over-Inflated Sense of Self-Worth


Today, most women have an over-inflated sense of self-worth. 6,000 years of female DNA dictates that a female is subservient to a man. If all you are bringing to the table are your tits and ass, that's not an accomplishment. You are not that unique. As a high-value male, Beautiful women are everywhere, a "dime a dozen", so you either *toe the mark* and submit to reality and the right Master / Daddy Dom , or you go through life without purpose, unhappy and unfulfilled. 

50 years of a political agenda does not change your DNA and does not change the truth of the natural roles of men and women.

If you want to explore your true life purpose, The best place to do this is to reside with Master Solus Dominus. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Altered Christian State


There are many things that will be altered in the near future in the REAL Christian community, and lifestyle, or they who do not adapt will be left behind. The attire in this photo ( even though AI generated ), is an example of Appropriate Duality. Through Vision and Revelation the Altered Christian State will be implemented. The Appropriate Duality Attire of any female during service-orientated submission, Protocol and Spiritual Rituals, will be all white, loose fitting clothing, while no other clothing will be worn underneath the white primary robe. 

It is time that anyone who is following REAL Christianity and/or a practitioner of spirituality under the one true Master of Enlightenment on earth, prepares for the last of the last days that we are living in...The age of deception is upon us, as the Christian church has entered Apostasy. This Master has no "pretense of piety", and therefore no hypocrisy. Jesus Christ is the Light of the world, and if you seek to exist in True Enlightenment, You must embrace the Light of Jesus Christ.

You have the opportunity right now to communicate with Verum Domini, ( Latin to English = The True Master ), This is the truth of Biblical ties; 1 Peter 3:6 New King James Version (NKJV)

"as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord" . It is appropriate from a wife to call her husband Lord ( Master )

Friday, October 13, 2023

Husbands Must Be Head of Household

 I know that this will come off as "terrible" and "judgmental", and maybe it is ? But it's also the truth. I'm very sick and tired of "weirdo" Christian women. I'm not talking about Catholic women, or others that "think" they are Christians, But are definitely not Christians according to the Bible ( which is God's word ). I'm tired of the Evil One, Evil Spirits who represent the Evil One, and Evil people in society who target the beautiful women ( with the most attractive bodies and faces ), and basically destroy them. This is a general long-term observation ( not an absolute ), and Christian men are stuck with the left overs, the flat asses and flat chests ( I'm most talking about white Christian women ). To make things even worse, a high percentage of white Christian women have really bad attitudes. I can't think of a worse scenario for dating, and possibly marriage. Unattractive and a horrible attitude. I've run into more radical feminists in Christian churches than I have in pagan society.         Also a high-percentage of Christian males have allowed themselves to be feminized, and Emasculated = Deprived of his male role or identity. It's as bad as cross dressers, which is an abomination to God. Husbands must be Head of Household, Ruler and Leader of the home, not some politically-correct wimp who let's his wife wear the pants in the relationship. 

"insecure, emasculated men" "made weaker or less effective"   When it should be the exact opposite. Christian men should be a great example of appropriate masculinity for the secular world. 

Tags; #bible,#biblestudy,#christian,#christiandating,#christianity,#God,#jesuschrist,#enneagram,#yoga yoga is toxic, bible, bible study, angels, Biblical,

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Your Lord on Earth, Solus Dominus... and Your Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven Needs You To...

We are living in an era where the "powers" are apparently 

seeing what the citizens will believe. There is finally starting

to be some "push back" on the insanity...unfortunately, Not

enough push back. But in case you have already been 

indoctrinated and have absolutely no common-sense, There

are 2 genders. 

It's All a Time and Money Consuming Travesty If No One

Actually Steps Forward in Faith, Because You Know 

That This is The Truth, and Also Know That The Christian 

Church is in Apostasy, and Flooded With False Prophets,

With Real Profits From Mega-Churches. I think that There 

Are At Least a Few Christians Who Have the Discernment

( Brains and/or Common Sense ), To Know That Safety is

Found Within The RIGHT Christian Co-Op Community.

Women, If you are married, You call your husband Lord, 

or Sir. 

For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned 

themselves, being submissive to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, 

calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.

1 Peter 3:5-6 NKJV

  • Generally speaking, ( a high percentage, but not all ), American men and women have de-evolved into pieces of shit. 
  • Why was the Christian church so out of touch with the reality of secular society that they allowed Radical Feminism into their churches ? Because there is almost no difference between Christianity and secular society, the divorce rate is the same, etc. 
  • Why were greedy mega-church pastors allowed to lead churches ? The answer is; Because there  are so many greedy Christians      
  • Tags; Christian, Christianity, Bible, Prayer, Religion, Church, spiritual, communal, commune, meditation, off grid, co-op, Biblical, Jesus Christ , God, Jesus, Polygamy, Polyamory, marriage, relationships, sex, spirituality, toxic yoga, dating, dominant male, submissive female, heaven, worship, faith, bible study, love, inspiration 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Signs of the Last of the Last Days | Hundreds killed after Hamas attacks Israel

"Hundreds killed after Hamas attacks Israel"

One day , possibly very soon, The Last of the Last Days will be triggered
and your only chance for survival will be if you are in a self-sustaining
co-op community...going to a grocery store will not be an option.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Christian Feminists Are Going to Hell, It's a Contradiction in Terms


There are many things that will be altered in the near future in the REAL Christian community, and lifestyle, or they who do not adapt will be left behind. The attire in this photo ( even though AI generated ), is an example of Appropriate Duality. Through Vision and Revelation the Altered Christian State will be implemented. The Appropriate Duality Attire of any female during service-orientated submission, Protocol and Spiritual Rituals, will be all white, loose fitting clothing, while no other clothing will be worn underneath the white primary robe. It is time that anyone who is following REAL Christianity and/or a practitioner of spirituality under the one true Master of Enlightenment on earth, prepares for the last of the last days that we are living in...The age of deception is upon us, as the Christian church has entered Apostasy. This Master has no "pretense of piety", and therefore no hypocrisy. Jesus Christ is the Light of the world, and if you seek to exist in True Enlightenment, You must embrace the Light of Jesus Christ. You have the opportunity right now to communicate with Verum Domini, ( Latin to English = The True Master ), This is the truth of Biblical times; 1 Peter 3:6 New King James Version (NKJV) "as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord" . It is appropriate from a wife to call her husband Lord ( Master )

Tags; Christian, Christianity, Bible, Prayer, Religion, Church, spiritual, communal, commune, meditation, off grid, co-op, Biblical, Jesus Christ , God, Jesus, Polygamy, Polyamory, marriage, relationships, sex, spirituality, toxic yoga, dating, dominant male, submissive female, heaven, worship, faith, bible study, love, inspiration

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Lust Produces a Weak Man That is Controlled by Women

 Come on People, I know that it is human nature to run to Lies, and run from Truth, But I need you to go against human nature and run to the Truth. The Truth is: 

  • This is the ministry that is NOT part of the current Apostasy of the Christian Church. 
  • The safe and productive place to be in the future, is the Master's Christian co-op community in Texas. Master has a free lifetime lease on 50 acres of ( basically ) undeveloped land. Yes, Master is seeking investor(s) to develop this land so that it can be used by Chosen Christians for a part-time and full-time residence. This will also be an RV park. The land is located outside of a small rural town in Southwest Texas ( population 200 ), This project will happen, You can choose to be on the ground floor, or you can be like the general population "Christians", and ignore this opportunity. 
  • Jesus Christ said, “I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved” (John 10:9). Jesus is heaven's only gate. Through Him alone we can enter the house of God ( the house of God is Heaven, All of His Creation, Not a building made by human hands. 


Tags; #jesus #bible #god #faith #jesuschrist #love #christianity #church #christ #bibleverse #prayer #gospel #godisgood #holyspirit #pray #worship #blessed #hope #truth #scripture #biblestudy #amen #believe #grace #jesuslovesyou #jesussaves #catholic #peace #inspiration

Tags; Christian, Christianity, Bible, Prayer, Religion, Church, spiritual, communal, commune, meditation, off grid, co-op, Biblical, Jesus Christ , God, Jesus, Polygamy, Polyamory, marriage, relationships, sex, spirituality, toxic yoga, dating, dominant male, submissive female, heaven, worship, faith, bible study, love, inspiration

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Women Should be Silent in Church



Read verse 10, and you will see that there is Destiny ( Pre-Destination ), 

involved in what you will have to go through in the Last of the Last Days ( which we 

have just begun to deal with these negative consequences ), There is also Free Will 

involved in your future. 

Revelation 13:17          

 9He who has an ear, let him hear:

10“If anyone is destined for captivity,

into captivity he will go;

if anyone is to dieb by the sword,

by the sword he must be killed.”c

Here is a call for the perseverance and faith of the saints.

The Mark of the Beast

16And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.d


Do we need to go to this extreme ? Women should be silent in church.

In 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Paul wrote: “As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission. 

The Christian Church is in Apostasy. If you consider yourself a devout follower of Jesus Christ ( Biblical Christianity ), Christian men and women must also follow the appropriate Christian Leader on Earth ( and by "Christian" church, I do not mean the Catholic church, or protestant / non-denominational "Mega Church" ) Overall, Put the Bible in context related to when it was written, and examine the roles of women and how it relates to living out your Christianity. Women need look no further for their Lord than their husband. When applied in appropriate context, Your husband is Head of Household, and Head of His Wife, and she must answer in a submissive spirit to her husband in all things. A wife should study the Bible and be able to use spiritual discernment to divide what scripture and principles relate to Eternal Matters, and what is useful and relates to day-to-day life.

The bottom line, If a woman cannot submit to her husband in all things, She cannot submit to God in Anything. Questions ?

Our Christian Community will start in Arizona, and as soon as the funding is available, The Community will relocate to our 50 acres of land, Outside of a small, rural town in Texas ( pop. 200 )

This is NOT a completely isolated "compound", But God gave us Spiritual Knowledge and Common-Sense, to know that society is heading quickly to a really dark place, Leading the way for the world to sink to a very dark, depraved, violent place ( it will make the current immorality look like a clean and moral environment. We are currently living in an era of deception, Where right is wrong and wrong is right. Your safety, sanity, moral stability, and enlightened Christian life can only be acquired in The Master's Co-Op Community. We can begin our communication and fellowship online. When you decide that you are "all in", You will then be required to relocate to my residence in Arizona. Once we outgrow my residence, ( and acquire the necessary funding to develop the Texas property ),We will relocate to Texas. 

Is It In Your Spirit to Live In a True Christian Community ?

                Do we need to go to this extreme ? Women should be silent in church.

In 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Paul wrote: “As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission. 

The Christian Church is in Apostasy. If you consider yourself a devout follower of Jesus Christ ( Biblical Christianity ), Christian men and women must also follow the appropriate Christian Leader on Earth ( and by "Christian" church, I do not mean the Catholic church, or protestant / non-denominational "Mega Church" ) Overall, Put the Bible in context related to when it was written, and examine the roles of women and how it relates to living out your Christianity. Women need look no further for their Lord than their husband. When applied in appropriate context, Your husband is Head of Household, and Head of His Wife, and she must answer in a submissive spirit to her husband in all things. A wife should study the Bible and be able to use spiritual discernment to divide what scripture and principles relate to Eternal Matters, and what is useful and relates to day-to-day life.

The bottom line, If a woman cannot submit to her husband in all things, She cannot submit to God in Anything. Questions ?

Our Christian Community will start in Arizona, and as soon as the funding is available, The Community will relocate to our 50 acres of land, Outside of a small, rural town in Texas ( pop. 200 )

This is NOT a completely isolated "compound", But God gave us Spiritual Knowledge and Common-Sense, to know that society is heading quickly to a really dark place, Leading the way for the world to sink to a very dark, depraved, violent place ( it will make the current immorality look like a clean and moral environment. We are currently living in an era of deception, Where right is wrong and wrong is right. Your safety, sanity, moral stability, and enlightened Christian life can only be acquired in The Master's Co-Op Community. We can begin our communication and fellowship online. When you decide that you are "all in", You will then be required to relocate to my residence in Arizona. Once we outgrow my residence, ( and acquire the necessary funding to develop the Texas property ),We will relocate to Texas. 

Friday, September 15, 2023

Millennial Reacts to 1950s Rock & Roll, Rockabilly dance from lindy hop!

The point of showing you this video is that we need to get back to 
wholesome entertainment and exercise...Males in the American Christian
church have been feminized on many levels, and it is an abomination 
to God. 
Time to get back to some good, clean fun...

7 Principles of Christianity

  • Seek God, not sin.
  • Fear God, not men. 
  • Love God, not the world. 
  • Believe God, not the deceiver. 
  • Obey God, not your appetites. 
  • Serve God, not self. 
  • Worship God, not comfort.

Monday, September 11, 2023

If Christians Really Wanted Worship Music...

If Christians really wanted "Worship Music" they would be playing music like this
every church service. So why don't they ? Because the people behind the "modern",
so-called Christian music wouldn't be making $$$ MONEY from older music. 
My opinion is that worship music is on a very low level, compared to secular music.
Not only is it on a very low level, But it is boring, usually repetitive, and definitely
lacks creativity. 

Join Us | #Love #Christian #yoga ( yoga is toxic )

 The bottom line is that YOGA is very toxic. It is ludicrous to think that Yoga
has any value whatsoever for spiritual benefits. 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Video 8 SIGNS You AREN’T Submitting to Your HUSBAND!

Friday, September 8, 2023

Women Have The minds of a 10 Year Old Girl, in an Adult Body

Women Have The minds of a 10 Year Old Girl, in an Adult Body. Not in all areas, But in many areas of life, Adult Women are a 10 year old child. This is why you should NEVER argue with an adult woman. Would you argue and try to prove a 10 year old girl about why she is wrong ? How many inventions have come from Women ? The problem mentally, is coming to the right CONCLUSIONS...a 10 year old child stuck in an adult body. 
Even the Bible has many examples of this, and here is a perfect example; 2 Timothy 3:6
( and this is talking about false teachers, and how they go after gullible women.   They ( false teachers ), are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires...There is a good reason why they don't include gullible men. There are varying degrees of being gullible, But ALL women are gullible on some level. Watch the video. 

Angels in the Charismatic Movement: A Huge Distraction

Kathryn Krick's Spiritual Father is a HERETIC and a LIAR!!

Tags;  In my opinion, I would never step foot in any of the following so-called ministries; Craig Groeschel, Tim Timberlake, Mark Driscoll, ...