Showing posts with label #chrislam #religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #chrislam #religion. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Why Do You Care What Pagan Society Thinks ?


 Christians are so concerned about what society thinks , that they will tolerate

a so-called Christian Pastor who waters-down or completely avoids any sermon

that addresses the topic of wives MUST submit to their husband, as long as the

Husband's actions are legal and moral ( and I don't mean "moral" per 2024 "standards",

which are no standards at all ) Most American women in 2024 have the morals of an

alley cat. 

  There is a Christian Co-Op Community that is waiting for you to join.
What makes you think that the myth of American Independence in relationships
and living environments, would EVER be a part of society in Biblical Times. 
First of all, Americans are less independent in 2024, than they have ever been in American History. To be "Independent" you have to stop accepting "freebies" from the Government, which are actually taken from the U.S. taxpayers. 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Christian Community is Trying to Make Sure That You Are Saved From Eternal Hell

 The Christian Church ( as a whole ) is in Apostasy, It has denied and does not apply  Biblical Faith any longer. This is NOT a so-called "hate speech". If you do not follow the Master-Pastors teachings, Which are 100% Biblical, Making it "Fundamentalist" . Master-Pastor promotes Christian Community, Not in the sense of complete isolation or living in a "compound", But definitely living with or near like-minded Christians. All Christians are called, But are you 1 of the VERY Few Chosen ? Master-Pastor was a former BDSM Master and Daddy Dom, So you might see this on my profile. Master-Pastor has NO PRETENSE of PIETY. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

The New Apostolic Reformation EXPOSED | Proof it is DANGEROUS | RUN from it

It's LOVE to tell people the Truth. NAR / New Apostolic Reformation is False
teaching, false doctrine. These people are blinded by satan, and will believe
anything ! People ( in general ) run TO lies, and run FROM Truth. Very popular
ministries ( mega-churches ) are a huge red flag. 

1 Timothy 2:11-12

11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.

Donate Room(s) In Your Home.
***The rooms can be in any area ( city/ state ), Not restricted to Gilbert, Arizona. I own my own place ( even though very small ), between Apache Junction and East Mesa, Arizona.
Master Pastor is looking for one person 
( prefer senior citizen, But not mandatory ) Also prefer that it would be a 100% donation basis, But if you need financial compensation, You will receive 25% of net profits from training fees, roommate fees, royalties from Master's books, Youtube channel, etc. You will also be credited as a Charter Member, which includes free teachings. 
Master-Pastor is a Contrarian, So do not expect some "cookie cutter Guru" approach to Christianity. The teachings of Master-Pastor are diametrically opposed to every aspect of Christianity that is being taught in the world today. Which translated, Means that the teachings are Biblical, Compared to the majority of the non-Biblical nonsense that is being taught in 99% of the "Christian" churches today. 
***What would the rooms be used for ? I will be keeping my own residence for at least the first 6 months ( unless the opportunity that you would be providing is out of my area ) If it is one bedroom, then it would be used for a quiet room for writing, Vlogging, etc....If you have 2 bedrooms, then one bedroom would be used for 2 roommates / students, and the other bedroom will be used as a private temple / prayer room ( and remember, as a contrarian Master-Pastor, Meditation is NOT what you think it is...The "buzz word" meditation is an alternative term for prayer, as long as prayer is focused on embracing Father God through Jesus Christ )

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Why Are So Many Christians Lacking Creativity and Singing Talent, Song Writing, Etc.

I know that it's not cool to criticize other Christians, If they are truly Christians.
99% of Christian Singers and Music Groups are nothing but low-quality, boring crap.
Unless a LOT changes in the Christian music world, They will NEVER produce high-
quality music. Why does the secular world have the monopoly on good, professional-level music ?

Donate Room(s) In Your Home.
***The rooms can be in any area ( city/ state ), Not restricted to Gilbert, Arizona. I own my own place ( even though very small ), between Apache Junction and East Mesa, Arizona.
Master Pastor is looking for one person 
( prefer senior citizen, But not mandatory ) Also prefer that it would be a 100% donation basis, But if you need financial compensation, You will receive 25% of net profits from training fees, roommate fees, royalties from Master's books, Youtube channel, etc. You will also be credited as a Charter Member, which includes free teachings. 
Master-Pastor is a Contrarian, So do not expect some "cookie cutter Guru" approach to Christianity. The teachings of Master-Pastor are diametrically opposed to every aspect of Christianity that is being taught in the world today. Which translated, Means that the teachings are Biblical, Compared to the majority of the non-Biblical nonsense that is being taught in 99% of the "Christian" churches today. 
***What would the rooms be used for ? I will be keeping my own residence for at least the first 6 months ( unless the opportunity that you would be providing is out of my area ) If it is one bedroom, then it would be used for a quiet room for writing, Vlogging, etc....If you have 2 bedrooms, then one bedroom would be used for 2 roommates / students, and the other bedroom will be used as a private temple / prayer room ( and remember, as a contrarian Master-Pastor, Meditation is NOT what you think it is...The "buzz word" meditation is an alternative term for prayer, as long as prayer is focused on embracing Father God through Jesus Christ )

Monday, February 5, 2024

You Want Proof Kathryn Krick Is a Cult Leader? Here it Is!

  • This is just a tiny part of the insanity that is going around the Christian community
  • There is no such thing as a modern day apostle
  • Apostles in the Bible we all men, because women cannot have ANY authority over a man, therefore they cannot teach a man in any way, shape or form.
  • This is very popular on TBN ( Trinity Broadcasting Network ), where the pastor makes his wife a "co-pastor" , and she teaches over men, a very anti-Biblical practice...but what's the key motivation for doing this ? to stay on good terms with all the feminists in their church. Sad to say, but there are as many feminists in the Chrstian church, as there are in secular society. They might not be out marching in the streets "protesting the patriarchy" , but they are still feminists. This is another reason why most modern-day pastors will only give watered-down sermons about Biblical female submission ( which usually only last about 3 minutes on this topic ), the pastor knows that if they told the truth about why a wife needs to submit to her own husband, that half of their female members would walk out, and the pastor would greatly reduce the money flowing into their church. 
  • Males in most Christian churches do not know the Bible, and have been indoctrinated into being a "beta male" ( feminine traits and have no prolem bowing down to their wife, and their married life is usually a woman-led marriage, which sooner or later will be a Train Wreck, and it is completely contrary to the guidelines of what a Chrstian marriage should be. 

Kathryn Krick's Spiritual Father is a HERETIC and a LIAR!!

Tags;  In my opinion, I would never step foot in any of the following so-called ministries; Craig Groeschel, Tim Timberlake, Mark Driscoll, ...