Friday, May 31, 2024

Just So You Know The Level Of Funding Is Required

 Just so you know the level of funding that is required;

2 Year Overall Budget For a  Co-Op Community Arizona $590K 

2 Year Overall Budget For a Co-Op Community ( Rural West Texas ) $590K-$650K

5 Year Overall Budget For a Co-Op Community ( Philippines ) 

( Master needs to eventually reside in the Philippines for 6+ months each year )

Coming Soon | | Not Asking For Money, But We Still Need Assistance

 This is the new logo and the new blog

We are NOT asking for money ( which is a tenet of our group ), But we still need

assistance, Whether it is financial, products, or volunteer services. Like the saying goes,

"the message can only go as far as the $Dollar can carry it" ...But there are plenty of ways 

to help, Other than cash. This is similar to no one listening to Noah when he was building 

the Ark. The vast majority of the world population has no idea what is right around the 

corner in world history, and it will be beyond horrific. I hope that civil war does not come 

to the United States, But it is a very strong possibility. 

  • Obviously the United States ( and the rest of the world ) is getting very unstable, on many levels...of course, in the last of the last days, violence will be on a global level, Of course the primary target for the "global elite" will be to completely break down the United States, so that it can merge with the one global government.

When the poop hits the fan , and God closes the door of the Ark ( which means that we will need to "close the door" , which will be to limit membership to our off-grid co-op community )...Obviously our co-op community cannot take in the world population, No more than the Ark could take in the world population. 
If you are meant to be living with us, Then it will happen because you have taken action to relocate here.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Christian Domestic Discipline | Start By Reading Your Bible


Let's be honest, This describes a LOT of  people who claim to be a Christians

Domestic Discipline (or Christian Domestic Discipline as it is referred to in Christian circles) is a phrase that over the last century has become synonymous with the ancient practice of wife spanking. Domestic Discipline of course is more than the practice of wife spanking and some men discipline their wives in non-physical ways.

In this podcast, I show from the Bible that chastening (discipline) is prescribed by God not only for children, but also for adults. And there is no special carveout for women to be exempt from discipline whether it be physical or non-physical discipline. There of course limits which the Bible places on physical discipline and I discuss those limits in this podcast as well.

This blog is not directed towards secular society. When I say that the Christian family needs to be put back in order, It is obviously meant for Christian families, Christian relationships, Christian dating.

Ladies, you might not like this, But this is the truth. A high-percentage of Modern-day women do not want to take responsibility for their actions, and this includes Christian women.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Here Are Some of The Tenents | For More Details;


  • This is just a general outline of our Saneiv Biblical Christian Movement and Co-Op Community. 
  • The word “gospel” simply means “good news,” but we must understand that the gospel of Jesus Christ is not just good news, it is the good news. While we are all sinners (those who have failed to live up to God’s perfect standard), Jesus has provided a way for sinners to be pardoned instead of punished. Through Christ’s death and resurrection, we can have a relationship with God that transforms our lives forever when we place our trust in Jesus alone. 
  • The Christian church is in Apostasy ( generally speaking, It has fallen ), No "mega church" ( American churches that have 10,000 or more members, some have 30,000 + )...Therefore, in this era ( the last of the last days ), Most people in church do NOT want to hear the Word of God, or read the Bible for themselves. The biggest culprit in all of this is the Television Version of Christianity, ( other than the obvious satanic influence that is alive and well in America )
  • Saneiv Biblical Christianity is not some new form of Christianity, Not an addition to the Bible, and it's not trying to add "spirituality" to Biblical Christianity. Saneiv is a comprehensive system of real world, Biblical Christianity...Basically bringing back reality into Christianity. In Saneiv,      There is no pretense of piety. Christians have sinned, continue to sin, and will sin in the future...regardless of the fact that you are saved. We should always run from sin, But the reality is that the difference between sinning and not sinning is, is OPPORTUNITY...
  • Considering the fact that crossdressing is not only a sin, It is an abomination to God.
  • Submission ( Follow and Obey ) , Not only spiritual submission, But submission in all areas of life. This does not mean that submission makes you a robot or a doormat. This also does not mean that submission involves money or sex. We need NEVER ask for money, But we also realize that the message can only go as far as the $Dollar can carry it. 
  • If a woman cannot submit to their husband, They can't submit to God. And No, Common-Sense will tell you that your husband does not have the right to physically beat on you. God did not put you on Earth to be a punching bag for some assh*le...That's the bottom-line. But, Also keep in mind that their is an agenda in the works, and part of that propaganda in America is to brainwash women that "abuse" is anything that doesn't allow a woman to do anything that she "feels" like she wants to do, eg. In other words, if your husband ever says NO to his wife, it's abuse. My husband won't let me go to Las Vegas with my female friends, He is "abusing" me...This is just the tip of the iceberg of what is really going on in American relationships. 
  • We believe in building up American women, Not tearing them down. By building up, We are talking about "raising the bar" on a moral level. Currently, a high percentage of American women have the morals of an alley cat, Especially when it comes to the lack ( or complete absence ) of any morality when it comes to sex outside of marriage. American women was the envy of the world, High value women for marriage ( 1930's, 40's, 50's ), Then the (evil) spiritual and secular society attack was directed at American women, and they took the bait; hook, line and sinker...Now and for the last 30+ years, American women are the bottom of the barrel, When it comes to a potential wife. Currently, Toxic Feminism has invaded the Christian church. As soon as they even hear the term "submission" , they will usually react with inner ( and sometimes, outward ) Rage. 
  • On the vice versa viewpoint, Feminism has also invaded the church and brainwashed males. "Man" is a very loose term in the modern-day church, Beta males, submissive males, males who need to grow a backbone. It is not Biblical to be a "Yes Dear" type. Yes, You are commanded to Love your wife..Of course you should love your wife...Why would you want to marry her, If you didn't love her ?
  • The man is Head of Household, and he needs to learn how and why to lead a woman. A female-led relationship is a train wreck waiting to happen.
  • You are not saved through the "details" , But the details are still very necessary to lead an effective and fulfilling Christian relationship lifestyle. Some of the details are;
  • Women need to keep their hair long, and in a feminine way. This doesn't mean that you NEVER cut your hair. The object is the principle, Which is to promote your feminine nature. You should have your hair trimmed when necessary. When your hair turns into a spiritual pride ( ego promoting ) thing, Then YOU need to remove your pride and ego from the picture. Bottom line is that real men are attracted to a feminine woman, with a fit ( usually thin ) body with a nice shape. We don't believe that Christian women need to have B cup breasts. 
  • We do not believe or promote the "Prosperity Gospel" ( which is no gospel at all ), We also don't believe or promote the "Poverty Gospel"...
  • For other "details" , Please email;

You need to re-set your mind-set. You should not be a poor excuse for a woman, and a woman should not be a poor excuse for a man. Be very careful about the propaganda that you have been exposed to. "Happy Wife, Happy Life" ...this motto is complete nonsense. If this motto is implemented in your relationship, there is a very high possibility that your wife or girlfriend will lose respect for you...she will seek out an Alpha and cheat on you, because you failed her test. She might say she wants an "equal" in the relationship, But that does not line up with her DNA and her subconscious. That's actually the last thing in the world that she wants. She wants a leader and protector, the one who takes stress off of her by making the final decisions and provides guidance.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Perversion of Marriage & The Assault On Christianity

Ex-New Age Guru Steven Bancarz Debunks the Universal Christ

The Warning Christians Critically Need: Bethel, New Age, and The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)

These Pastors are destroying the Christian Church, or at least trying to destroy it.

Author of PreachersNSneakers shares how preachers explain expensive desi...

"Treasures on Earth" - Preachers 'N Sneakers | This is Obscene

Friday, May 24, 2024

The Pope MESSED UP Big Time When He Said This!

Why would anyone exalt the Pope or Mary ?

We welcome Mormons / LDS ...Generally Speaking, Mormons are great people,
But the doctrine is false. 

The "Coexist" agenda is complete nonsense. Saneiv is a teacher of His Version ( through vision and revelation ) of spirituality. Christianity does not need to be "improved upon", Biblical Christianity ( Biblical, Contrary to the nonsense that is being preached in "mega-churches" and Christian TV )
What is Saneiv Christianity-Spirituality ? Many terms that is used in mainstream spirituality have been ripped off by the "New Age" community, The Occult, etc. Two perfect examples is Meditation and Enlightenment. You cannot be Enlightened, Unless you know and embrace The Light, and the Light is Jesus Christ and Father God. Unless they are a True Biblical Christian, No one in India is enlightened, Never have been, Never will be...Like I said, UNLESS they are a Biblical Christian. It's not just India, It is every country in the world.
Here are some tenets of the Christian faith:
  • The Trinity: God exists in three "persons": Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit
  • Jesus Christ: Jesus was born to a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died, was resurrected, and will return to earth in glory
  • The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit assists Christians to live Godly lives and helps the Church carry out Christ's mission. Churches in 2024 have definitely dropped the ball in this area. Christ's mission is NOT social issues that have been created by secular governments.
  • The Bible: The Bible is the only authoritative Word of God
  • Salvation: Salvation is possible through the Atonement of Christ. Accepting what Jesus Christ did for us on the Cross, NOT how "good" we are, Because we are Not good, if we examined our true motivation. You can't work your way to Heaven. 
  • Obeying the Gospel's laws and ordinances should be your focus AFTER you are saved, not the requirement for being saved. Once again, The example is the Thief  on the Cross. 
  • Baptism: Baptism symbolizes death and resurrection, and is a public declaration of following Christ ( Baptism is NOT necessary for Salvation, Perfect example of the Thief on the Cross )
  • These are the five fundamentals of the Christian faith: 
  • 1) Scripture alone
  • 2) Faith alone 
  • 3) Grace alone 
  • 4) Glory to God alone ( You should definitely have a Teacher / Instructor / Mentor / Pastor , But glory should not be a part of the respect that you show your Pastor )
There are other important topics in Christianity that need to be applied and embraced
in YOUR Life, But are not necessary for salvation ( salvation = being saved and going 
Heaven, and Not Hell )
Curious what other areas are part of the True Biblical Lifestyle ? 
Be pre-warned that many of these topics are directed towards women;
1) God is concerned with Christians following the roles that God ordained. You can
"identify" with whatever you want, But it doesn't make it so. According to God, 
common-sense, and anatomy of the human body, There are TWO genders. Why
we would have to even discuss this topic is ludicrous. 
2) According to God ( and not the indoctrinated kid down the street ), Cross Dressing
is an abomination to Him ( God )
3) Saneiv preaches the Bible...Therefore; A) There is no such thing as a Woman being 
allowed to have authority over a man, in any way, shape or form...a woman is NOT allowed to be the head pastor, or to teach men in church. 
B) Along with the abomination of being a "cross-dresser" ( a man wearing womens clothes, or
a woman wearing male clothes ), 
C) a woman is not to have the appearance of a manand vice-versa...So it is a commandment for women to not cut their hair. Not cutting their 
hair is a simple principle. It doesn't mean that a woman should never cut their hair. 
Common-sense will tell you that a woman should get her hair trimmed, now and then. Women
keeping their hair long is for spiritual reasons, But it is also to preserve and promote 
her femininity, and not the toxic feminist "a woman as a poor excuse for a man" image. Women
in the midwest ( USA ) are notorious for getting very short haircuts...this PC trend /style 
is, IMO, Not attractive whatsoever.  The Bible Belt in America, Obviously do NOT include the midwest, Most of which are fully
indoctrinated far left liberals. 

Tenents of the Christian faith is easy to do a Copy & Paste of the Statement of Faith,
which most churches are very close to each other in their faith statement. The BIG
problem is, Application of these tenents in the real world. It's very common for a Christian
church to say one thing and do another. 
Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. ( if churches really believed this, we could stop right here...But unfortunately, Most churches, Especially money-hungry "Mega Churches" focus on preaching nonsense, and NOT the Bible. 

We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.

We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration of the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life.

We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.

We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. ( added note; Because it is Biblical that there should be "Unity of Believers in Our Lord Jesus Christ" , We promote living in Christian Community. Don't get weird about the 

terminology of Christian Community...It's not a "compound"...You are free to come and go as you

please. Staying connected to family and friends is

encouraged, as long as friends are not a negative


Thursday, May 23, 2024

A Christian Who Also Loves America Is Labeled a "Nationalist"

 "One Day , There will no longer be shepherds guiding the sheep, But clowns entertaining the goats" C.H. Spurgeon ( "One Day" has been here for the last few decades )

A Christian Who Also Loves America Is Labeled a "Christian Nationalist" , So that "they" can silence their opposition. and "they" is the communist party that is "alive and well" in America, The global elite which includes many America politicians in Washington who focus on implementing goals of the United Nations ( One World Government Agenda )...working to benefit American Citizens is of little to no concern for these people...

in 2024 ?

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Celebrity Super Pastors Praising Themselves | When In Reality They Are Terrible

Wow, talk about nonsense ! They probably think that their "praise music"
 is also high quality and creative... NOT ! No offense, But this is the truth,
Generally speaking, Christian Music in 2024 ( and the last 30-40 years )
is low-quality, little to no creativity crap...I wouldn't say that it is on a 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

United Methodist Church Has Gone Off the Deep End

Just another example of the Christian Church being in Apostasy...completely
off the deep end...Run FROM the United Method 

Patriarchy is needed now more than ever !

Authoritarian Below is the internet definition. This does not describe
our Christian co-op community.

favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.
"the transition from an authoritarian to a democratic regime" 

But, Make no mistake about it. There will be one leader, and members will
always be able to voice their opinion. 

1 Timothy 4:1 ( this is a perfect description of the United Methodist Church ),
and the Christian church in general.

1Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. 2These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead.

Kathryn Krick's Spiritual Father is a HERETIC and a LIAR!!

Tags;  In my opinion, I would never step foot in any of the following so-called ministries; Craig Groeschel, Tim Timberlake, Mark Driscoll, ...