Showing posts with label #christianity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #christianity. Show all posts

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Women Should be Silent in Church



Read verse 10, and you will see that there is Destiny ( Pre-Destination ), 

involved in what you will have to go through in the Last of the Last Days ( which we 

have just begun to deal with these negative consequences ), There is also Free Will 

involved in your future. 

Revelation 13:17          

 9He who has an ear, let him hear:

10“If anyone is destined for captivity,

into captivity he will go;

if anyone is to dieb by the sword,

by the sword he must be killed.”c

Here is a call for the perseverance and faith of the saints.

The Mark of the Beast

16And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.d


Do we need to go to this extreme ? Women should be silent in church.

In 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Paul wrote: “As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission. 

The Christian Church is in Apostasy. If you consider yourself a devout follower of Jesus Christ ( Biblical Christianity ), Christian men and women must also follow the appropriate Christian Leader on Earth ( and by "Christian" church, I do not mean the Catholic church, or protestant / non-denominational "Mega Church" ) Overall, Put the Bible in context related to when it was written, and examine the roles of women and how it relates to living out your Christianity. Women need look no further for their Lord than their husband. When applied in appropriate context, Your husband is Head of Household, and Head of His Wife, and she must answer in a submissive spirit to her husband in all things. A wife should study the Bible and be able to use spiritual discernment to divide what scripture and principles relate to Eternal Matters, and what is useful and relates to day-to-day life.

The bottom line, If a woman cannot submit to her husband in all things, She cannot submit to God in Anything. Questions ?

Our Christian Community will start in Arizona, and as soon as the funding is available, The Community will relocate to our 50 acres of land, Outside of a small, rural town in Texas ( pop. 200 )

This is NOT a completely isolated "compound", But God gave us Spiritual Knowledge and Common-Sense, to know that society is heading quickly to a really dark place, Leading the way for the world to sink to a very dark, depraved, violent place ( it will make the current immorality look like a clean and moral environment. We are currently living in an era of deception, Where right is wrong and wrong is right. Your safety, sanity, moral stability, and enlightened Christian life can only be acquired in The Master's Co-Op Community. We can begin our communication and fellowship online. When you decide that you are "all in", You will then be required to relocate to my residence in Arizona. Once we outgrow my residence, ( and acquire the necessary funding to develop the Texas property ),We will relocate to Texas. 

Is It In Your Spirit to Live In a True Christian Community ?

                Do we need to go to this extreme ? Women should be silent in church.

In 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Paul wrote: “As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission. 

The Christian Church is in Apostasy. If you consider yourself a devout follower of Jesus Christ ( Biblical Christianity ), Christian men and women must also follow the appropriate Christian Leader on Earth ( and by "Christian" church, I do not mean the Catholic church, or protestant / non-denominational "Mega Church" ) Overall, Put the Bible in context related to when it was written, and examine the roles of women and how it relates to living out your Christianity. Women need look no further for their Lord than their husband. When applied in appropriate context, Your husband is Head of Household, and Head of His Wife, and she must answer in a submissive spirit to her husband in all things. A wife should study the Bible and be able to use spiritual discernment to divide what scripture and principles relate to Eternal Matters, and what is useful and relates to day-to-day life.

The bottom line, If a woman cannot submit to her husband in all things, She cannot submit to God in Anything. Questions ?

Our Christian Community will start in Arizona, and as soon as the funding is available, The Community will relocate to our 50 acres of land, Outside of a small, rural town in Texas ( pop. 200 )

This is NOT a completely isolated "compound", But God gave us Spiritual Knowledge and Common-Sense, to know that society is heading quickly to a really dark place, Leading the way for the world to sink to a very dark, depraved, violent place ( it will make the current immorality look like a clean and moral environment. We are currently living in an era of deception, Where right is wrong and wrong is right. Your safety, sanity, moral stability, and enlightened Christian life can only be acquired in The Master's Co-Op Community. We can begin our communication and fellowship online. When you decide that you are "all in", You will then be required to relocate to my residence in Arizona. Once we outgrow my residence, ( and acquire the necessary funding to develop the Texas property ),We will relocate to Texas. 

Friday, September 29, 2023

Do you want to be "politically correct" or God-correct


Many Preachers Are "Rearranging the chairs on the Titanic" (as the church is sinking into Apostasy.), worried more about the amount of cleavage shown by women in the church, Than delivering the Truth, Regardless of the consequences...

Come On, Grow Up and Enter The Real World.  Is Cleavage Really The Big Issue in Christianity ?  It is NOT ! Never has been, Never will be. The feminization of males in the church, and feminist indoctrination of Christian women...Now that's a very big problem. When God calls wearing a piece of female clothing an abomination, Then intentionally trying to destroy the roles of men and women that God has established, is obviously much worse. Do you want to be "politically correct" or God-correct, That's what it really boils down to.  

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Every American Will Receive a Text on Oct. 4, 2023 They Have Your Number !!!

 Obviously, If you have the common-sense to realize what is really going on in these last, of the last days.  

The Federal Government is going to be "testing" the American population on Oct. 4, 2023...Anything that the government does that is NOT for our well-being , Which is 99% of everything they do, Will be presented as a "convenience" or for "our safety"...

Seeking roommates for near future, off-grid, co-op community...

Currently my residence capacity is only 4 people, as soon as it goes 

over that number, as a group, we will move into a larger residence.

I know that it sounds like a contradiction in terms, But this is a private bedroom for rent in a luxury

mobile home park in Apache Junction ( 2 blocks from East Mesa border )

Rent includes all of these; electric, gas, 5G wifi, sewer, water, trash, taxes, misc. fees...

Pay on the first of every month and that's it. No first, last, deposit.

Community has nice swimming pool, small fitness room, clubhouse, pool tables.

Mobile home has central air ( not the window a/c units )

Park is safe, quiet, clean, and gated. Bathroom is not private, but it does have 2 sinks.

Possibly lower rent available in the 2nd bedroom, and if you have a good work ethic

and help to keep the residence clean and organized. 

NO PETS of any type. I'm a pet lover, But the park management charges $420 fee for a pet,

and it is NON-REFUNDABLE... 

Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Divide Between Christian Dating and Secular Dating


              Is this how a young woman should dress when she is going out on a date ? 

For decades there has been a big divide between Christian dating and secular dating ( and in some ways, There should be a separation. But when it comes to male and female Christian roles, and roles within relationships...Christians are just like secular society, Which is messed up and clueless, When it comes to the reality of personal relationships in America. 

Christian men, if you are dating a Christian woman ( or claims that she is a Christian ), and you see any signs of the Feminist mind-set, The Feminist agenda, Drop her instantly, Block her and walk away, Because if you stay with her, There is a high probability that the relationship and your life, will be a Train Wreck

Most of these problems related to the feminist agenda and Feminizing American Males within the Christian church, destroying traditional values, destroying traditional roles in the family in the Christian church...can all be traced back to so-called Christian pastors, Especially in Mega-Churches , who avoid the real problems, avoid speaking truth about wives be in submission to your husband. Their motivation is MONEY , and church member retention. Speak the Truth > Lose members > Lose Money

Friday, September 15, 2023

Millennial Reacts to 1950s Rock & Roll, Rockabilly dance from lindy hop!

The point of showing you this video is that we need to get back to 
wholesome entertainment and exercise...Males in the American Christian
church have been feminized on many levels, and it is an abomination 
to God. 
Time to get back to some good, clean fun...

7 Principles of Christianity

  • Seek God, not sin.
  • Fear God, not men. 
  • Love God, not the world. 
  • Believe God, not the deceiver. 
  • Obey God, not your appetites. 
  • Serve God, not self. 
  • Worship God, not comfort.

Monday, September 11, 2023

If Christians Really Wanted Worship Music...

If Christians really wanted "Worship Music" they would be playing music like this
every church service. So why don't they ? Because the people behind the "modern",
so-called Christian music wouldn't be making $$$ MONEY from older music. 
My opinion is that worship music is on a very low level, compared to secular music.
Not only is it on a very low level, But it is boring, usually repetitive, and definitely
lacks creativity. 

Join Us | #Love #Christian #yoga ( yoga is toxic )

 The bottom line is that YOGA is very toxic. It is ludicrous to think that Yoga
has any value whatsoever for spiritual benefits. 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

This Consensual Master-slave Relationship Is More "Christian" Than Most Christian Relationships

This Consensual Master-slave Relationship Is More "Christian" Than Most                            Christian Relationships. Don't get the wrong idea. The couple are not Christians
( as far as I know ), But the God-ordained roles and relationships 
( and the Christian marriage ), are so important, that the wife is in submission
to her husband, That unless you live out the Male Dominant / Female Submissive 
roles, You are in rebellion to God. 

Consensual Adult Master-slave relationship, is a relationship between 2 humans
of equal value and self-worth. When the dynamics of the power have agreed upon
to be unequal. Respect needs to be inherent in the relationship. As a consensual slave,
You don't serve your Master because you "should" or "must"...Finding the right 
consensual adult slave is like finding a "needle in a haystack" ( put "more info" in the subject line or your email will 
be deleted. 


Video 8 SIGNS You AREN’T Submitting to Your HUSBAND!

Friday, September 8, 2023

Women Have The minds of a 10 Year Old Girl, in an Adult Body

Women Have The minds of a 10 Year Old Girl, in an Adult Body. Not in all areas, But in many areas of life, Adult Women are a 10 year old child. This is why you should NEVER argue with an adult woman. Would you argue and try to prove a 10 year old girl about why she is wrong ? How many inventions have come from Women ? The problem mentally, is coming to the right CONCLUSIONS...a 10 year old child stuck in an adult body. 
Even the Bible has many examples of this, and here is a perfect example; 2 Timothy 3:6
( and this is talking about false teachers, and how they go after gullible women.   They ( false teachers ), are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires...There is a good reason why they don't include gullible men. There are varying degrees of being gullible, But ALL women are gullible on some level. Watch the video. 

Christian Polyamory, Master/slave, Dominant/submissive Roles

A woman, Just like a Man, is Saved ONLY through Jesus Christ. A woman grows and lives on a day-to-day basis, Through Her Husband. Do you read ANYTHING  in the Bible about Peter's wife being involved in the ministry, or her Christian life, etc. ? Was she a Politically Correct "Co-Pastor" with Peter ? The answer is NO. Whether it was Peter's wife or the wife of any other Christian in the New Testament, They lived out their Christianity through their Husband, With their Husband being Head of Household. 

Come on people, Let's get our act together. We need to start an off-grid Christian co-op community. 
  • There should be no pretense of piety
  • We need to clearly define the True Christian definition of Polyamory. John 13:34-35 A new commandment I ( Jesus Christ ), give to you, That you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this will all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another. ***How could any Christian not associate this statement of Jesus Christ with the true Christian version of Polyamory ( ability and application of loving multiple people, unconditional love. ) Polyamory can definitely non-sexual. Of course, the secular version of Polyamory is directly related to sexual activity.
  • Within the Christian church, just as with secular society, ( remember that the "church" is the people, not a building. ) , family roles and relationships is completely out of control, and to put it bluntly, Messed Up ! Relationships and Roles are VERY important to God.   If being a cross dresser is an abomination to God, obviously everything else related to unnatural ways related to gender, family and relationship roles, sexuality is also abominations to God. 
  • What does the Bible say about cross dressing...
    In Deuteronomy 22:5 ( read it ) 
  • Ephesians 5:22-23...Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which He is the Saviour. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. This is a very straight-forward commandment. 
  • Wives MUST submit to their Husbands. But what is the reality of Christians in 2023, when it comes to female submission ? First, this is related to a WIFE and a commitment for life ( put relationships in historical context, Women didn't leave their husband and move on to a bigger, better deal. This is not a statement to girlfriends who are sexually active before they are Married, etc.), If a "Christian" American Woman cannot submit to their own husband, Then they obviously cannot submit to God. They are in rebellion to God, and it is obvious when they can't even discuss the subject of submission to their husband, and instantly react ( almost on a violent level ) to even hearing the term submission. These so-called Christians have been fully indoctrinated with Feminist Nonsense.
If a woman can't be All In with submission to their husband, Then they are NOT a Christian. This is the straight-forward TRUTH...The fact that this is a radical statement in 2023, is a perfect example of how far the Christian church has strayed ( been brainwashed )... 

Angels in the Charismatic Movement: A Huge Distraction

Friday, September 1, 2023

Relationships and Roles Are Extremely Important to God #ChristianDating #ChristianMarriage

This is not a Christian couple ( as far as I know ), The point of the video,
The reason that I posted this video, is to draw attention to the fact that 
this is much closer to the way that God has ordained men and women to
live in harmony and according to the Word of God...Compared to the horrific
"Christian" relationships that are being lived out in American society in 2023.

 There is an intentional agenda to feminize the American male, both in secular society and in the Christian church. Take back your relationship, your home, and your church. Don't date any woman who is claiming to be a Christian, But in Reality is a "Radical Feminist" in sheep's clothing, and actually is more concerned with what the media and feminists say, than what the word of God says. 

  Let's raise the standards concerning the women we are dating, that claim to be Christians...But in reality are just radical feminists in sheep's clothing. Do you think that big tits, a nice body and pretty face, should be just a blessings given to non-Christian men ? Every real man desires to have a submissive woman who will do what he tells her to do, without questioning his authority, arguing, creating drama in the home, etc...If a man accepts anything less than this, he is compromising his future happiness and fulfillment. 99% of women that consider themselves a Christian woman are in rebellion against God and His Word, The Holy Bible. Wives Submit to Your Husbands...Key word is YOUR Husband, Not the husband next door, or some guy you come in contact with in public...Honestly, a Christian woman shouldn't even talk to another man for any reason. It is extremely disrespectful to have a conversation with another male. Any one that needs to know anything about you, needs to go through your Man first.   

As Bible believing Christians, we can and should recognize the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments for what it was and still is today.  A declaration of war on God’s institution of patriarchy.   And the sad truth is, that more than 170 years later that war has been mostly won by feminists. Those who still hold to God’s design of patriarchy have been forced into hiding, with their only option to fight a spiritual guerrilla warfare against those who seek to eradicate the last pockets of resistance to the reigning humanist regimes.

“In the covenant of marriage, she is compelled to promise obedience to her husband”

The common laws of the land in this case were strongly aligned with the Word of God as seen in Titus 2:4-5:

“That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, OBEDIENT to their OWN HUSBANDS, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”

In fact, we can rightly say that the Declaration of Sentiments complaint against women being compelled by common law to be obedient to their husbands was blasphemy against the Word of God.

The Husband is “to all intents and purposes, her master” ( small 'm' , but still her master...God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Son and Holy Spirit, are all God ( The Trinity ), The Capital 'M' in Master.)

Again, the Scriptures are crystal clear on this point calling women to regard their husband’s as their earthly lords (their masters) in 1 Peter 3:5-6:

“For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.”

The Greek word used in 1 Peter 3:6 is “kurios” which means master.  It is used in reference to kings, governors, slave masters, husbands and to God himself in the Bible.  All of these masters were authorities instituted by God over different spheres, but God is the LORD and master of all.  The Hebrew equivalent of the Greek kurios is “baal” which means “owner, lord, master”. 

In Deuteronomy 22:22 we see the following example showing the husband’s ownership over his wife:

“If a man be found lying with a woman married [‘baal’ used as verb] to an husband [‘baal’ used as noun] , then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel.”

Very few women will respect a man that won't put her in her place. Most females will test you to see
if you are a strong man who won't submit to her. If you can't pass the test, She will usually have zero
respect for you. She isn't looking for "Equality", She is looking for a Masculine LEADER...              The "Yes, Dear" type males are basically worthless to a woman, So why should she respect you ?

 The passage above demonstrates that under God’s law a married woman is an owned woman, and her owner is her husband.

The Husbands power “to administer chastisement”

The power to chastise is a critical element of authority. If a person can tell others what to do, but they have no means of enforcing what they have commanded then they really are not an authority.  And this is why the early woman’s rights movement targeted the common law recognition of the husband’s right to chastise his wife.  If they could remove his power to chastise her, they knew they were effectively removing his authority over her.

Text was used from;  ( this does not mean that we agree with all of there teaching, principles, etc...But obviously we agree with the text that we have posted )

Tags; bible,#christianity,bible study,commune,christianity,#God,communal,#christian,truth,intentional community,#biblestudy,christian,#jesuschrist,jesus christ,#bible

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Enneagram Cult | The Dangers of the Enneagram

The point of posting this video is not related to 
"Enneagrams" , The point is that the couple is a source 
for information about the complete lunatics and scammers
( False teacher, False Prophets, False "Apostles" )
that are the most popular "pastors" within Christianity 
in 2023...


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Honesty In My Life Must Be Extremely Important

As far as I know the couple in the video are not Christians...But the point of posting the video is that we MUST return to the true natural way, When it comes to restoring Men as the Head of Household, The Dominant...and Women must submit to their Male Leader. The last thing in the world that most women want in a relationship is "Equality"...They are looking for a True Leader.

Upon asking many people in the world today, “Are you saved?”, most will reply with an automatic, “Yes”; but if we ask them what they are saved from, most of them will have no idea what we are even talking about…

Salvation is deliverance. It is being rescued from something. It is something that is done by one who has the strength and power to save, for someone who has the need and desire to be rescued.

Salvation in the New Testament is spoken of in two tenses:

🎁 1.) Salvation from the bondage of sin, so that a person can be changed from a sinner into a saint (all Christians are saints), and have the power to live a holy life free from the bondage of sin (present tense)…

🎁 2.) Salvation from the wrath of God Almighty [Jesus Christ] which is to come (future tense) by living in the power of the gospel of Christ, and keeping oneself free from sin until the day of judgment.

Paul taught it this way in Romans 5:9,10:

“Much more then, being now (present tense) justified by his blood, we shall be (future tense) saved from wrath through him.

For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled (present tense), we shall be saved (future tense) by his life.”

New Topic for this post. Men, Don't date single Mom's...Period. You will regret the baggage that they bring to a relationship. 
Don't date a woman, Whether they claim they are a Christian or not, Who has a "Feminist" attitude, mind-set, etc...It will be a Train Wreck waiting to happen. If you are a real man, Who truly deserves to be Head of Household, You will encounter constant rebellion, Drama and the fighting will escalate. Why ? Because deep down ( or maybe on the surface ), she doesn't respect ANY man. She has been completely indoctrinated ( brainwashed ), and 
she is not going to change. Males younger than 40 years old, and especially younger than 
30 years old, Finding the right Christian woman in a Christian church, is probably NEVER going to happen...

There are submissive, traditional, single women in American society...But "good luck" 
trying to find them. 99.9% of them are already in a relationship, or married. in 2023, The "American Woman" is a pathetic example of what a good wife should be. 

Christian Domestic Discipline ( 1950's style )
Should be part of your relationship, and you 
should establish your Dominance, Especially 
if she is in the process of "testing" you, Poking
the Bear to see if you will put her in her place,
of you are a submissive pushover. Remember,
Most women are NOT looking for Equality, 
Regardless what they say, They are looking
for a Leader, a strong, masculine dominant man,
who is a man of his word, and makes decisive
decisions...Has a backbone. If your woman tests
you and your fail the test, and do not have these
traits, You are going to be living in hell for as 
long as you are in that relationship, Because she
has zero respect for you. 


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

What a Shock, This is Not a Christian Feminist Blog

    Do you think that only secular men should enjoy women who are blessed with physical beauty ?

Personally, I am really sick and tired of everything being on a lower level...The bar set low;
  • low quality, non-creative music
  • less physically attractive, feminist, bad attitude, small boobs, expecting way too much, consider they are bringing very little to the table, rebellious, non-submissive...or just plain old crazy, like the Kat Kerr types.
  • It seems like everything that happens in Christianity is low quality...Joel Osteen is nothing but a motivational speaker, but it's low quality, boring and repetitive.

What a Shock, This is NOT a Christian Feminist Blog...The Christian Feminist is the Worst of Both World. You are basically useless in the secular world because you are a Christian, and useless in the Christian world, Because to a masculine Christian man, You are rebellious about the natural order of God's roles for our lives.

I started this blog, and I'm a male. If you think that you have found a "feminist" blog , You are definitely on the wrong path. I'm an old school, Dominant Alpha Male, Masculine without trying...I strongly believe that if you eliminate all of the government BS being crammed down our throats..."Most women, Whether they want to admit it or not, Have no interest in a relationship focused on "Equality" , They are looking for a Masculine Leader...DNA will always be stronger than "politically correct" agenda BS...Personal relationships have never been this messed up in the history of the world. Let's start with the fact, that in general, Single Mom's are not cool and they are not "heroes"...Of course there are a FEW exceptions, Where they have no other choice in being a single mom...usually because there is some piece of shit male ( woman beater ) involved in this scenario.

The "average" American woman just isn't worth the effort anymore. In the 40's and 50's, American women were the envy of the world...2023...Not even in the top 20...Pathetic, self-centered whores, with no loyalty to ANYTHING or ANYONE...If this doesn't describe you, Great. Most men can't be trusted either...So what does that tell you about American society...

Yelling at a Woman is Actually a Feminine Trait.

Contrary to popular political agenda opinion, Very few women are interested in "Equality" in a relationship, They are seeking a masculine LEADER who is fair, honest, and a ( Real ) Man of his word, Who doesn't take any crap from a woman, Knows his true role in life and in a relationship, and knows her role also, and isn't afraid of putting her in her place. Most women lose respect very quickly with a "yes man"...I can definitely say NO...a Real Master who knows how to lead his female submissive, has no reason to bark out orders, or scream, yell, loud arguing, etc. ...these types of emotional responses is actually a FEMININE trait...If your partner acts like this, You are actually living with another woman.