Monday, April 1, 2024

Visual Bible: The Book of John...Master-Pastor Recommends This Video

Donate Room(s) In Your Home.
***The rooms can be in any area ( city/ state ), Not restricted to Gilbert, Arizona. I own my own place ( even though very small ), between Apache Junction and East Mesa, Arizona.
Master Pastor is looking for one person 
( prefer senior citizen, But not mandatory ) Also prefer that it would be a 100% donation basis, But if you need financial compensation, You will receive 25% of net profits from training fees, roommate fees, royalties from Master's books, Youtube channel, etc. You will also be credited as a Charter Member, which includes free teachings. 
Master-Pastor is a Contrarian, So do not expect some "cookie cutter Guru" approach to Christianity. The teachings of Master-Pastor are diametrically opposed to every aspect of Christianity that is being taught in the world today. Which translated, Means that the teachings are Biblical, Compared to the majority of the non-Biblical nonsense that is being taught in 99% of the "Christian" churches today. 
***What would the rooms be used for ? I will be keeping my own residence for at least the first 6 months ( unless the opportunity that you would be providing is out of my area ) If it is one bedroom, then it would be used for a quiet room for writing, Vlogging, etc....If you have 2 bedrooms, then one bedroom would be used for 2 roommates / students, and the other bedroom will be used as a private temple / prayer room ( and remember, as a contrarian Master-Pastor, Meditation is NOT what you think it is...The "buzz word" meditation is an alternative term for prayer, as long as prayer is focused on embracing Father God through Jesus Christ )

Sunday, March 31, 2024

If You Are a Member , You Will Never Be Asked For Money


 We have no pretense of piety. You will NEVER be asked for money. This is NOT "religion" . Contact the Master-Pastor, Solus Dominus ( ) . This is the ONLY way to attain TRUE Spiritual Enlightenment, a term that was highjacked by the "new age" community. It all depends on your definition of (Spiritual) "Light". Jesus Christ and God the Father is the Only True Light. Our "Controversial" Topics; Christianity in general will always be Controversial, traditional relationship roles, polyamory ( multiple loves, not multiple sex partners. )

The greatest spiritual movement needs to be developed and promoted in the Philippines. Master-Pastor Solus Dominus should be able to spend half of the year in the Philippines, and the other half of the year in the USA. Master-Pastor is open for relocation in the USA, depending on investor(s). "The message can only go as far as the dollar can carry it", But members will NEVER be asked for money. 

Donate Room(s) In Your Home.
***The rooms can be in any area ( city/ state ), Not restricted to Gilbert, Arizona. I own my own place ( even though very small ), between Apache Junction and East Mesa, Arizona.
Master Pastor is looking for one person 
( prefer senior citizen, But not mandatory ) Also prefer that it would be a 100% donation basis, But if you need financial compensation, You will receive 25% of net profits from training fees, roommate fees, royalties from Master's books, Youtube channel, etc. You will also be credited as a Charter Member, which includes free teachings. 
Master-Pastor is a Contrarian, So do not expect some "cookie cutter Guru" approach to Christianity. The teachings of Master-Pastor are diametrically opposed to every aspect of Christianity that is being taught in the world today. Which translated, Means that the teachings are Biblical, Compared to the majority of the non-Biblical nonsense that is being taught in 99% of the "Christian" churches today. 
***What would the rooms be used for ? I will be keeping my own residence for at least the first 6 months ( unless the opportunity that you would be providing is out of my area ) If it is one bedroom, then it would be used for a quiet room for writing, Vlogging, etc....If you have 2 bedrooms, then one bedroom would be used for 2 roommates / students, and the other bedroom will be used as a private temple / prayer room ( and remember, as a contrarian Master-Pastor, Meditation is NOT what you think it is...The "buzz word" meditation is an alternative term for prayer, as long as prayer is focused on embracing Father God through Jesus Christ )

"The Messed Up Church" - Conversation with Steven Kozar

Search International House of Prayer Cult.
Tags; #christian #jesus #bible #God #faith #jesuschrist #love #christianity #church #christ #bibleverse #prayer,love,#love #religion, 

The New Apostolic Reformation EXPOSED | Proof it is DANGEROUS | RUN from it

It's LOVE to tell people the Truth. NAR / New Apostolic Reformation is False
teaching, false doctrine. These people are blinded by satan, and will believe
anything ! People ( in general ) run TO lies, and run FROM Truth. Very popular
ministries ( mega-churches ) are a huge red flag. 

1 Timothy 2:11-12

11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.

Donate Room(s) In Your Home.
***The rooms can be in any area ( city/ state ), Not restricted to Gilbert, Arizona. I own my own place ( even though very small ), between Apache Junction and East Mesa, Arizona.
Master Pastor is looking for one person 
( prefer senior citizen, But not mandatory ) Also prefer that it would be a 100% donation basis, But if you need financial compensation, You will receive 25% of net profits from training fees, roommate fees, royalties from Master's books, Youtube channel, etc. You will also be credited as a Charter Member, which includes free teachings. 
Master-Pastor is a Contrarian, So do not expect some "cookie cutter Guru" approach to Christianity. The teachings of Master-Pastor are diametrically opposed to every aspect of Christianity that is being taught in the world today. Which translated, Means that the teachings are Biblical, Compared to the majority of the non-Biblical nonsense that is being taught in 99% of the "Christian" churches today. 
***What would the rooms be used for ? I will be keeping my own residence for at least the first 6 months ( unless the opportunity that you would be providing is out of my area ) If it is one bedroom, then it would be used for a quiet room for writing, Vlogging, etc....If you have 2 bedrooms, then one bedroom would be used for 2 roommates / students, and the other bedroom will be used as a private temple / prayer room ( and remember, as a contrarian Master-Pastor, Meditation is NOT what you think it is...The "buzz word" meditation is an alternative term for prayer, as long as prayer is focused on embracing Father God through Jesus Christ )

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Why Are So Many Christians Lacking Creativity and Singing Talent, Song Writing, Etc.

I know that it's not cool to criticize other Christians, If they are truly Christians.
99% of Christian Singers and Music Groups are nothing but low-quality, boring crap.
Unless a LOT changes in the Christian music world, They will NEVER produce high-
quality music. Why does the secular world have the monopoly on good, professional-level music ?

Donate Room(s) In Your Home.
***The rooms can be in any area ( city/ state ), Not restricted to Gilbert, Arizona. I own my own place ( even though very small ), between Apache Junction and East Mesa, Arizona.
Master Pastor is looking for one person 
( prefer senior citizen, But not mandatory ) Also prefer that it would be a 100% donation basis, But if you need financial compensation, You will receive 25% of net profits from training fees, roommate fees, royalties from Master's books, Youtube channel, etc. You will also be credited as a Charter Member, which includes free teachings. 
Master-Pastor is a Contrarian, So do not expect some "cookie cutter Guru" approach to Christianity. The teachings of Master-Pastor are diametrically opposed to every aspect of Christianity that is being taught in the world today. Which translated, Means that the teachings are Biblical, Compared to the majority of the non-Biblical nonsense that is being taught in 99% of the "Christian" churches today. 
***What would the rooms be used for ? I will be keeping my own residence for at least the first 6 months ( unless the opportunity that you would be providing is out of my area ) If it is one bedroom, then it would be used for a quiet room for writing, Vlogging, etc....If you have 2 bedrooms, then one bedroom would be used for 2 roommates / students, and the other bedroom will be used as a private temple / prayer room ( and remember, as a contrarian Master-Pastor, Meditation is NOT what you think it is...The "buzz word" meditation is an alternative term for prayer, as long as prayer is focused on embracing Father God through Jesus Christ )

Monday, March 25, 2024

Ex-BDSM Master Has Returned To The Christian Truth and Has Repented of BDSM

  Christian Domestic Discipline as Taught by The Master-Pastor is NOT BDSM or abusive to women in any way, shape or form. 

Harvard Divinity School - Find Alumni, Yearbooks and ...

News Alert ! As a Christian, Praying For The Right Mate to Come Out of Nowhere and Step Into Your Life, 99% of the Time is NOT Going to Happen. Contrary to What Another Pastor Tells You, It is Highly Unlikely That You Will Find Your Mate In The Church That You Are Attending. Some Of The Topics On This Blog Are "Controversial" ...Oh Well ! NO PRETENSE OF PIETY. Former BDSM Master and Spirituality.

Tags; christian,christianity,church,religion,domestic discipline,CDD,Christian domestic discipline,bible,biblical,christian dating,christian relationships,

John 3:16 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Christian Domestic Discipline | No Toxic Feminism

  • Biblical Truth is Our Guiding Light. 

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, 

         and the Word was God. ( Starts at John 1:1-5 )

         The same was in the beginning with God.

         All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing 

        made that was made.

       In Him ( Jesus Christ ) was life; and the life was the light of men.

      And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

*** We promote that the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ are One. Little wonder why

the secular world attacks the Bible. They are driven by an attempt to try to destroy

Jesus Christ, Therefore they attack the Bible. Bible and Jesus Christ are One and the same.

The Bible is the Light of the world. If you seek True Enlightenment, Then you must embrace

and follow the True Light, Jesus Christ. 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Book Review | Please Give Me Your Comments About This Book

 This is not my book, it is a review for another Christian writer. Please give me your comment if you actually read his book. 

I'm Chuck Habermehl, a Vietnam Marine Veteran with over three decades in law enforcement and a passion for hand-to-hand combat tactics. I've written a compelling narrative that explores the final days of Christ's life through the lens of a combative tactician, highlighting the physical tortures He endured in a far more barbaric time. I'm delighted to request that the book be reviewed on Christian Communal Living.

"Christ's Purple Heart: Killed In Action Body Resurrected" is a riveting exploration of the final days of Christ's life, as seen through the eyes of Chuck Habermehl, a Vietnam Marine Veteran with over thirty years in law enforcement. Drawing from his extensive study of the Bible and over 35 books on Jesus' life and regional warfare, Habermehl presents a unique perspective, likening Jesus' mission to classic small-unit tactics. He delves into the brutal physical tortures Christ endured, providing detailed descriptions often omitted from traditional accounts. Four chapters are dedicated to the mechanisms of Christ's death: interrogation, scourging, beatings, and crucifixion. Throughout, Jesus is portrayed as a disciplined warrior, bravely sacrificing Himself for His unit, His mission, and mankind. While Jesus is deserving of many honors, Habermehl focuses on the Purple Heart, awarded for physical injuries sustained in combat, offering a fresh and compelling perspective on Christ's sacrifice.

I invite you to read more about the book on: